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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • It’s eye witness testimony (according to article) so technically good journalistic practice to quote rather than state. Elsewhere it talks about beatings, for which the journalists could see the wounds, so no quotations are used. If the i had evidence of gunshots (I.e. footage, bullet wounds) I suspect they would state rather than quote.

    I get that it seems awfully calous to cast doubt on the words of the vulnerable, but the fact remains there are those who mask lies behind a veneer of vulnerablility, it’s best practice for a reason.

  • I feel like a lot is being swept under the rug of “quality”, there.

    To make an analogy, I am reminded of when chirstians say a “true babtism” saves the soul, and then you look into their theology and it turns out they only believe 0.5% of babtisms to be genuine.

    A quality education could be a panacea for all things, that still wouldn’t be a good argument for paying for an extra three years schooling, unless you can actually guarentee those years will be a “quality education”.

    There’s a serious case of deminishing returns to education. I know plenty of people who’ve gone through a good high school and 4+ years of university only to come out of it with not a shred of curiosity or critical thinking skills. I couldn’t tell you why, sure it’s quite possible their teachers just weren’t passionate enough, or their class rooms small enough. It’s also possible they just don’t value ‘not being stupid’ enough to even try.

  • Would your parents have pulled you out of school if it had not been illegal?

    What punishment would you have desired to be put upon them if they had?

    Why stop at sixteen? Plenty of adults are stupid, children at least tend to still have some their natural curiosity, unstrangled by the world. I suggest mandatory refresher courses, each adult spends every other tuesday evening at a local community centre, learning the latest in medicine, ecology, queer theory, historical research etc… If they fail to attend they get a fine of two days wages. That’s hardly unreasonable? Afterall the current polycrisis is urgent! can we really afford to wait 40 years (first for the new education to be implimented) then for the children who go through it to reach positions of influence in society, the skills they’ve learned dulling against the grindstone of bloodless office jobs all the while?

  • I mean I’ve got things to say:

    • When did education become a cure for stupidity?
    • “Free and Mandatory” is some fucking newspeak if I’ve ever heard it.
    • “Save our planet and mankind from mankind”, the big rock will be fine.
    • “Teacher should be the best paid and praised job in the world.” this will just attract the sort of people who become mega-pastors, celebrities and politicans into the role.

    Like don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to have recieved a state education, it’s a jolly good thing, but let’s not oversell it.

  • Ok, then what do you call a professional wage-labourer (“working class”, in the marxist definition) who is nonetheless a millionaire? A high-paid professional on 100k can quite easily become a millionaire in their lifetime. If they are mere workers, same as the rest of us, that just strengthens my argument because a socialist regime would have to tax them less.

    On the Panama Papres: double it, triple it. Doesn’t stop eating the rich from not being a panacea, that’s all I’m saying. At the risk of “englightend centrism” there’s a middle-ground between rothbardian economics and utopian thinking.

    That is… not how money works. In order to tax the Billionaire wealth (which primarily is the companies they own) you are either forcing them to sell (by taxing them x% of wealth, leaving them without liquid assets to pay the tax) or seizing assets and re-selling. You can’t tax the rich and expect them to stay rich forever by virtue of taxing them.

  • UK billionaires have total a net worth of about £170 billion. Would it be nice to have some of that? Sure, but it’s less than two years of pension spending (£120 billion, and going up by the minuite).

    We can tax the millionaires too, but eventually you get to the upper-middle class who are already paying a 45% marginal tax rate.

    A dose or two of socialism might get us from 71 to 69 (nice), but honestly I think we’re all going to have to suffer from the economic mistakes made over the last 14+ years.