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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Certain ailments that are more common as you get older can cause less thirst.

    Some medications can cause foamy saliva.

    And the reason why when you get older, more stuff going on with your mouth is you can loose feeling in the lips so it’s not as noticeable to you in that you can’t feel it.

    And you’ll note that I said ‘you’. cuz we all age and you and I and everyone in this post are not exempt from getting older as we speed through the time dimension. It’s not just something that happens to an entirely separate alien species we all just refer to as ‘they’.

  • Ok so for any of you confused about what would be an expected level of privacy while recording people in public with a cel phone:

    The person working the back office of Walmart crunching numbers where customers aren’t allowed has an expected level of privacy.

    The people using the bathroom in Walmart also have expected level of privacy.

    The people in the changing room has an expected level of privacy.

    If you were caught with a cel phone recording in any of these circumstances you could be persecuted for violating privacy.

    If however you’re walking around on the main floor of Walmart recording a person looking at the price on a can of beans, you’re safe from legal prosecution as far as privacy laws (although that isn’t to say you are safe from being charged as a stalker or harassment in a certain context) .

    And legally you could record what cops are doing out in public.

  • That’s called the Texas sharpshooter fallacy. focussing on proof that you’re right at using a false equivalent. In this case appearance = personality.

    You’re counting the ones you’ve so called ‘gotten right’ because people who are negative are drawn to the negative and count only the negatives to support their theories. The ones you claim to have gotten right seem wrong btw. An assassin isn’t the same as an alcoholic. One is an intentional line of work. The other is a disease. That is inception level of more than one false equivalence there.

  • I think the key word there is consent. And the other important topic is distribution.

    Would you consent to having your picture taken naked is different to someone taking a picture without you knowing or them asking for consent. If you wanted the picture of you naked and the person wanted to take a picture of you naked, both sides consented. But then how it is distributed is another matter. You can still not have the consent a person would need to distribute the picture. This is why it’s becoming illegal in more and more countries to show a naked picture to someone you took with your phone even if that person consented to have the picture taken that does not mean they consent to you to distribute it acting on behalf as their agent. In cases where this has happened the person poses or sends the picture to one person they want to have it. That isn’t agency to distribute it or/and make money off of it.

    A person taking a shit in public or changing with the door open are both examples of giving consent to be publicly seen if you’re deciding to do the act however the witnesses to it are not giving consent to have it in their space to be forced to see it. But then should one of the witnesses have a cel phone and film you shitting or changing in public, this also falls into the you-didn’t-consent to how it’s distributed.

    The whole privacy issue is it is done entirely without one person giving consent to have their information distributed. Even if you did consent to give that person some personal information, they then decide without your consent to act as your agent about your personal information in how it’s distributed.

  • Do YOU have anything to hide??

    “Yea my bank information, passwords, personal identity, identity of all my loved ones. But hey, if you hate having security and love being blackmailed and hate everyone who you have ever made contact in your life and wish to make their life hell then you do you and stay far the fuck away from me. We don’t know each other and we never will”