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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Here are some topic from politics that are not trump related that I would have missed:

    • Biden cancels nearly $6 billion in student debt for 78K public service workers
    • Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden
    • House Republicans Want to Ban Universal Free School Lunches
    • Nature article suggests that we cannot afford the rich
    • Biden Targets Private Jets in Hunt for Tax Revenue
    • Lev Parnas, ex-Giuliani associate, testifies allegations against Bidens are false and ‘spread by the Kremlin’

    Lemmy, please let me block “Trump” as a Keyword and let me stay in the loop for the rest.

  • Bought to you by:

    • The 50’s, where every utensil from car to ovens will have it’s own nuclear reactor in the future
    • The 60’s, where Mankind soon will travel through starsystems and vacations on the moon are possible
    • The 70’s, where people thought that in a few years Neutron-Brains will be created that work just like the human brain
    • The 80’s, where it was said that in the year 2000 we will have flying cars and hoverboards
    • The 90’s, where the internet took off and soon nobody will ever send letters again
    • The 00’s, that soon self driving cars will take over all transport business
    • The 10’s, where a magical working all-knowing Siri/Alexa/Cortana voice will be the way people will interact with at home and on the go
    • Now the 20’s, where AI will be able to recreate talent and come up with genuine new ideas never before seen by mankind

    I do not think AI can recreate talent or art. AI can imitate art and copy already existing art and melt it to something new. But an Artist-AI can not take two noses of coke, one bottle of vodka and come up with a novel new concept of creative work. Sure it will come up with things never seen before, but will it resonate with people or will it just be weird, quirky or empty? It is not enough to render an image of a diamond skull, you actually have to build it like Damien Hirst. Artist of the type of Banksy, Dali and Francis Bacon will not get replaced by AI. AI will not stand in the streets spraying walls, AI will not get off board off a ship in New York holding a human-long bread and AI will certainly not be able to draw triptychs of pain and suffering based on the death of his friend. AI will copy something that looks like it, but it will not have the “Talent” or the depth to make it believable and knit a story around it and know the people to communicate to. It most certainly will be used to subvert people on social media to vote against their interests and radicalize opinions. That is it’s talent.

  • He did a piss poor job of being a leader. Imagine you are 20 years in your dictatorship and the country is in the condition russia is right now. He could have done sooo much more. He could have been a beacon of light. But he chooses to be a pile of shit. So when ever he seems others struggling, he will add oil to the fire to make them more miserable. He can not stand how every other country around him progressed and grew and was successful, but he was not able to because of his bad leadership. He will drag down everyone around him, so nobody can see how low he is. It is a distraction at this point. If he can not be a successful and loved leader, nobody should. The russian way to deal with complexes. And Trump is the same. They love destroying things if they can not get praise for their low efforts.