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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Nonprofits can “own” for-profits.

    One of the saner reasons for this structure is that the non-profit owns the things the for-profit works on. If the for-profit goes under, all things are still owned by the non-profit, so some large tech company can’t swoop in and yoink anything available.

    This includes any and all data generated by the for-profit, which means your data is “safe”.

  • weird dude who writes raw HTML

    Eyy, that’s me! Good excercise to learn actual HTML, instead of directly trying to jump into <insert random JS framework> and getting confused on what’s what.

    Anyway, I ended up switching to Hugo as a static site generator, because it was too damn hard to keep all my <header>, <nav> and <main> aligned for all my HTML files.

    Now I can just write a markdown file as an article, or switch back to raw HTML if I so need (like rewriting Alan Turing’s paper " On computable numbers" in HTML because I can’t use TTS on the PDFs I found; I still haven’t finished writing it, because I am now reading E. F. Codd’s papers on the Relational Model, which is pretty wild how we already figured that shit out in the 1970s!)

  • NostraDavid@programming.devtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIndeed
    3 months ago

    I unironically prefer apt over pacman, simply because my monkeybrain got addicted to running pacman -S (that was how to update, right?) and I dropped in productivity. apt is just “nah fam, there’s nothing new for you” most days, which gives me the quiet time I want and need.

    I ran Manjaro BTW. It was nice while it lasted, but Debian is my new friend now.

  • Probably not often, but as a Debian user, it’s a PITA to get back to where I was before I fucked up my system. Nix(OS) sounds like a future investment to me, just in case I ever fuck up and need to get back to where I was ASAP. Been there once already and it was NOT fun.

    That was from a professional standpoint BTW, privately I’m still a dirty Windows pleb, because that’s what I’m most familiar with.

    PS: I’m already using a dotfiles repo, which already saves me a ton of time in settings things up.

  • NostraDavid@programming.devtoTechnology@lemmy.worldbash.org is gone
    6 months ago

    Better how? I can’t message people when they’re offline, everything is completely boring text, no images, it’s not clear how I can easily setup my own server, everything feels archaic.

    I tried using it before Discord was even a thing, and I already thought it quite sucked. If you think it’s great, then good on you for knowing everything inside and out, but the discoverability with any IRC client tends to be in the negatives. It feels awful to use.