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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023

  • In the Venn diagram of “how fucked am I, personally, if Trump wins?”, they’re not the first, second, or even fifth group that gets murdered in a ditch by Christo-fascist militias. So upsetting the status quo is only seen as risking/actually hurting themselves today, over a possibly in the future. Any talk of “divisiveness” is milquetoast dereliction, the MAGA fringe are not honest negotiators.

    They’re not actual allies, they’re fair weather friends. For all the rhetoric of “resist” that was thrown about in early 2016, I saw a lot of pink pussy hats and very little black-block. Politics is still a game to them, the stakes aren’t real. Yet.

  • The reporters sensed it instantly. Even though the 90-minute debate was only seconds old, they felt it was already over… He had not been warm. He had not been likable. He had not shown emotion. He had merely shown principle.

    In 1988 Michael Dukakis had his campaign torpedoed by poor debate performance when asked ambushed with a hard gotcha question.

    Another candidate might have survived that first question and answer. But not Dukakis. It devastated him because his coldness was already an issue.

    And it is the same with Biden. The biggest anxiety of both his supporters and haters was demonstrated on national television. How do I defend that when arguing with people about who to vote for in the election?

  • Because ‘fixing’ immigration isn’t a thing we can honestly do, outside of these hard line closed border moves.

    Reagan borked it up with the war on drugs. Empowering gangs/militias/contras, causing pervasive and persistent violence that drives displacement of the locals in South America. Before then, the US experienced seasonal migration via a “porous border” - as it wasn’t really a challenge to cross, and enforcement was lax stateside of green cards/paperwork, there was significant seasonal migration that would cycle into the US, work hard and live cheap for a few months, and return to their families.

    Hardening the border and documentation requirements killed that “loopback”. Initially migrants shifted to immigration and would stay in the US as primary domicile, taking long trips back to their family. But with the growing violence in the south, it makes more sense to bring your family to the US.

    We absolutely need overhaul, but there’s so many fingers, voting groups, and special interests in this pie…

  • Can’t the administration deny Netanyahu a visa/entry?

    Like, yes there will be political cost to this, but letting him grandstand propaganda in the house is also going to cost politically. Which would be worse? Especially when there’s an ICJ arrest warrant potentially dropping soon - “we want to avoid a potential international incident regarding the Israeli PM” plays better imo than headlines like “King Bibi lauded by Congress, garnering more US support and friendship” whilst the MAGAs get/give handshake photo opportunities

    • Fired the Supercharger head and the entire department
    • Fired the lead of new vehicle development
    • Previously fired head of battery development
    • Constantly “one year away” from Tesla full self driving, whilst Mercedes just launched geofenced FSD, with Mercedes assuming 100% liability during FSD
    • Elon just had a out of the blue trip to China, appears to have ‘kissed the ring’ of Beijing, and hyping TaaS robotaxis

    What’s Tesla’s USP to an investor now? The supercharger ‘lock in’ and early head start at the EV game are Tesla’s biggest boons, but the former appears to have been gutted and the latter has been squandered on a slow model release schedule

  • I will tell you something about the Holocaust. It would be nice to believe that people who have undergone suffering have been purified by suffering. But it’s the opposite, it makes them worse. It corrupts. There is something in suffering that creates a kind of egoism. And when such monstrous things have happened to your people, you feel nothing can be compared to it. You get a moral “power of attorney”, a permit to do anything you want – because nothing can compare to what has happened to us. This is a moral immunity which is very clearly felt in Israel.

    Uri Avery, speaking after the IDF’s massacre at Sabra and Shatila

    Uri was a Zionist poster child - his immediate family fled to (then mandatory Palestine) after the Nazis took power; every other relative who stayed in Germany was murdered in the Holocaust. During his youth in 1938 he joined the Zionist terrorist group Irgun, in reaction to the first execution of a Jew for the attempted bombing of an Arab bus. He remained a member in the group until partway through most of WWII, when he leaned into nationalism publishing far-right news articles and opinion pieces.

    The turning point for Uri was his time in the IDF during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, and the ethnic cleansing and displacement that occurred, percolating through decades of his life until during the 1982 Lebanon War he became the first Israeli to meet Yasser Arafat for an interview.

  • I’ll agree there’s huge potential for ‘assistant’ roles (exactly like you’re using) to give a concise summary for quick understanding. But LLMs aren’t knowledgeable like an accredited professor or tutor is, understanding the context and nuance of the topic. LLMs are very good at scraping together data and presenting the shallowest of information, but their limits get exposed quickly when you try to go into a topic.

    For instance, I was working a project that required very long term storage (+10 years) with intermittent exposure to open air, and was concerned about oxidation and rust. ChatGPT was very adamant that desiccant alone was sufficient (wrong) and that VCI packs would last (also wrong). It did a great job of repackaging corporate ad-copy and industrial white papers written by humans, but not of providing an objective answer to a semi complex question.