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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • You’re talking nonsense. Yes, living people are currently causing climate change. Those most responsible have names and addresses.

    The world should have burned down to the groun… to nothingness 10 times over according to all the specialists/scientists.

    This is just embarrassingly ignorant. The climate is deteriorating faster than scientists predicted, not slower.

    Your answer to OP’s question is denial and a refusal to actually investigate the situation.

  • The physical intrusion, conducted with “counterparts from the national competition authorities of the Member States,” however, is just “a preliminary investigative step,” Brussels says, and “that the Commission carries out such inspections does not mean that the company in question has indeed received distortive foreign subsidies, nor does it prejudge the outcome of the investigation.”

    Even if you think there’s something real here, a raid is pretty heavy handed for an investigation in its early stages. You usually wait until you have basically everything you need, then do the raid, because if you don’t find what you’re looking for you’ve let the target know what you’re doing. In the U.S. you’d need a warrant for this sort of thing, which again means you’re beyond the “preliminary” stages.

  • who the hell brought Palestine into this, this whataboutism is at the level of Republicans

    do you support the invasion of Iraq for the explicit purpose of regime change

    Whataboutism: OK when libs do it, dishonest as all hell for anyone else!

    “Whataboutism” is an utterly nonsensical concept in international relations. Not only is it reasonable to compare like situations and expect similar opinions on similar issues, but that exact analysis is one of the principle sources of (what passes for) international law. If I say something is good when my country does it but bad when another country does it, I’m not trying to uphold any rules, I’m just cheerleading my country, why should I be taken seriously?

    Regarding the referendum

    It’s fine to be skeptical of referendums, but that does not extend to the western line of “obviously these were sham votes.” A vote is not a sham simply because it happened in a country you don’t like; you need some actual evidence.

    And I would guess that Russian intervention should be limited to either sanctions or limited intervention in the Donbass region, not a whole invasion of Ukraine.

    Russia tried the diplomatic route for most of a decade. It didn’t work, and as Angela Merkel admitted after the war started, it didn’t work in large part becsuse the west never intended to hold Ukraine to it.

    A limited intervention is how this started, too – Russia and Ukraine had a ceasefire negotiated something like a month or two into this, but Boris Johnson and the west spiked it. Russia also appears to be content to sit in the pro-Russia eastern regions and slowly grind away at Ukraine’s ability to fight. They’re not making some all-out push to Kiev.