When I order nationally it ships today, arrives tomorrow. When I order from a neighboring country it takes 1 to 2 days longer. Just don’t order from China.
When I order nationally it ships today, arrives tomorrow. When I order from a neighboring country it takes 1 to 2 days longer. Just don’t order from China.
Bro we’re already living in one. Might as well have some fun shooting zombies in your dreams instead of doomscrolling in reality.
I’d order the sweater with the text “the hardest part about a zombie apocalypse is pretend I’m not excited”.
Replaced by teenager Musketeers, like in his doge department.
Yeah, spreading hate, fake news and tearing down a government is fine, discussing who is behind this is against their policy due to “doxing and supporting violence”.
Yeah, well. Out of everybody on this planet, who expected it to be Israel to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing after what happened to their people during WW2. Working for a holocaust museum probably means you’re on the side of Israel so I’m not shocked someone would say such horrible things. This is the reason why we never learn from our history. Here in NL we remember the fallen during WW2 and say “NEVER AGAIN” while at the same time sending weapons to Israel. Writers of dystopian books: “so I guess I’m a journalist now”.
List stuff to sell, like your car, but have it say with the price “will only accept eggs”. Plus side of this joke will be that you don’t have to go in debt to purchase some eggs for it.
Tell crypto people to invest into CHCKN as it will be a solid investment. If they ask which crypto that is, you tell them “no no, chicken, as in the bird. EGG currency is going to skyrocket”
3d print a plastic egg box with plastic card holder in it and tell people you got a new wallet.
Goin to an underground rave on Friday, after party on Saturday, chilling on Sunday with a nice walk through te forest and dinner with some friends.
Haha yeah, you’re infected with the synth virus. There’s a support group for your wallet.
I can highly recommend the LmDrum (as it has a sampler), Model 15, Pro1, MS1, TD-3-MO, Crave (which I have) but the Grind is better I think (brains with crave combined)
Thanks to Elon, inspecting governmental bodies, regulations and regulators will be dissolved, so probably the cybertruck will be an amazing camp fire, better known as a dumbster fire, due to spontaneous combustion like Chinese cars in China. Then to blame it on trans people or something.
You act like they won’t be replaced or disbanded by Musk if they won’t do what he wants. He has enough money to buy anyone and anything. And he shows he isn’t scared in doing so.
If you do not revolt against the government, you will receive a free cybertruck as a replacement for your house, which will be too expensive to live in.
Each immigrant willing to leave voluntarily will receive a free cybertruck.
The US military, firefighters, EMT’s and police force will get new vehicles! They will all start to use cybertrucks.
I rate the Proton as top tier of behringer synths. I like it better then the neutron. Ease of use has a large range. Easy to get amazing sound out of it, but patches can be as complex as you like. I love the sound, it has an amazing patch bay, it’s just awesome. If you have both the Neutron and Proton, be ready for some insane cross-synth patches. They are amazing brothers, but the Proton is such an improvement! I would definitely recommend. Also the Model 15 by the way, grandmother sounds from a semi modular, cheap price, it’s a steal. Also comes with a large patch bay.
Not completely, there are 2 Korea’s. But since internet access in one is extremily limited, I can make an educated guess in which one you live right now.
Nice track record by the way.
I’m from The Netherlands and I speak Dutch, English, a bit of German and no French at all even though I had French in school for 13 years.
But The Netherlands has 2 official national languages, Dutch and Friesian, although English officially isn’t a foreign language anymore due to the quality and quantity of English speakers and there are discussions to make English the third national language.
I wish I knew more languages, but sadly I’m really bad at learning any. Some people learn languages so fast, I’m better at math and such. I wish I knew Russian, Chinese and Spanish because I’d love to travel to old USSR republics, China and other Asian countries and South America. Knowing the most spoken languages in the world would be amazing I imagine. And I wish I knew Norwegian because I love the language and the country so much. Plus, you can communicate in Denmark and Sweden too. But luckily now we have Google translate so I could communicate even though I don’t have shared languages with where I want to go.
Just get rid of cars and fix proper biking and public transportation infrastructure. No need for that many cars, electric or not. Lithium is finite, the mines are horrible. But we’re getting nuclear diamond batteries soon, they are a massive upgrade.
Yeah, have fun peddling a heavy as fuck ebike when you’re 1 hour 32km/h drive away from home. That’s over 2h of super heavy cycling because you’re going super slow.
Wait, what? I drain my battery every day. I need more energy density, not less. I do use my bike for long trips, driving a car during rush hour sucks, parking fees are insanely high and parking spots are rare. I sold my car and do everything by electric bike. But after 2 hours of cycling at 32km/h I need to charge.
Did you experience it once? What is it like?
No. Shit. Sherlock.