I’m here for a meme time, up votes to the left thanks
in power since the 90s
Oh so carrying the torch for the LAST time they tried to go after media with the moral panic of “Explicit” music label stuff led by Tipper Gore? The one where Twisted Sister showed up in 1985. A continuation from when they had a panic about VHS recordings in 1969 and Mr Rogers testified.
I’d watch the shit outta that with some popcorn. Between the logic jumps and the mandatory hand-waving of actual evidence to the contrary, and sheer numbers of fallacies to make the argument make sense it sounds like a hella entertaining time
Can I get this kind of book but for Mint?
Something something bootstraps and avocado toast?
The hell kinda autofellatio is this. “Excellent service”? The only Excellent Service ISPs provide is to each other by allowing non-compete fiefdoms to continue
I wish to exercise my right to an attorney and my right to remain silent.
I will be hazed if I say my first choice. So I’m just gonna go with BBQ chicken, with thick crust filled with cheese.
Is the Fahrenheit in the room with us right now? It’s not real. Fahrenheit is an illusion that was made up.
My catchphrase when driving has become “It’s always a fucking pickup”
Engagement go brrrt.
Number not go up?
Abandon ship to the next company where accountant promises number go up.
Yeah that’s pretty shitty to continue to sell a part that they know is defective.
“select the bikes” That’s a motorcycle and that’s a moped. Those don’t count-uh I fucking guess they do?
“Select the bus” Bro that’s an intersection at 200 feet.
“Type the Captcha letters” Is that a lowercase r or a capital T?
It was before, too.
Trump doesn’t understand the question because he doesn’t understand doing things for the betterment of anyone but himself.
For most of history, you didn’t ask “what’s in it for me” when the king/prime minister/ The Church/ or President came asking (country irrelevant). That’s a relatively new luxury due to perspective of the digital age and disagreements with (the US) Government due to transparency.
For most of history “what’s in it for you” was actually getting fed and clothed better than the average peasant. Serving the king was what was in it because you didn’t have to sleep in pig shit and milk the cows every morning. You’d actually get fed for mealtimes instead of playing the barter game all summer and fall just to have enough food to store in salt barrels for winter. And even better, if you tickled enough enemy hearts with your pointy stick there WAS some land and money for you, provided you survived.
Some countries through history also revere their veterans (with actual respect and benefits) so military service itself was the honor. While I understand it’s a dramatization -the beginning of Disney’s Mulan is a great display of it. Her father is it is '60s or '70s and has already served once and has a bad leg. The emperor sends out a call for war and the guards show up in town. When they call his name he sets aside his cane and picks up the summons because that’s what you did. It is what was expected of him and he did it without complaint.
Didn’t mean to be so incorrect (off by 23 years) there was some kind of accolade for her, maybe it was just being a teacher? I’ll fix the post tho
I distinctly remember growing up hearing there’s not even a .01% margin for error on spacecraft. That they must be so durable to withstand the conditions of leaving/reentry and the shuddering vibrations. I realize it’s different, but the big fear is always having another Challenger. Challenger didn’t just break up, it exploded into 2 pieces on national television. " teacher going to space" had a TV in every classroom across the country watching it.
Helium seems used in the modern rocket to keep hot gas pipes separate from cold liquid fuel. 3 minutes before launch the system is charged and maintained by ground, just before ignition it’s disengaged and the system has to support itself. The helium on board only needs to stay pressurized for the 7 minutes or so it takes before the thrusters are spent, and purged, and that’s why they don’t view it as an issue. But still sounds like fuckass Boeing being ok gambling with lives while NASA shrugs - again.
I was permitted to close my account…without any hassle. Sign into my.roku.com and delete account is as the bottom. Selecting “don’t want to use this anymore” gives you a box with 255 charachter limit (because of course they don’t want to hear a real reason) and then when you hit send you just get “Thank you, account closed, if you come back you will need a new account”
Surprisingly, suspiciously, painless.
I swear. The harder they mess with this type of stuff the more single-issue-voters it pushes to vote against them. This war on media is such a losing battle I don’t understand why they’re opting to wage it with the current fish on the grill. This kind of unpopular legislation is stuff you try and push when you’re in power, and try to sell it as an “eat your veggies” moment. Rebranding while they’re down certainly makes for an interesting conversation when they rubber band back into power and say “we’ve said we were gonna do this since 2025” type conversation.