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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • You think that’s bad, you should take a gander at the official news sources in Jacksonville Florida. I don’t know if they’re still this bad, but as I recall they have not one, but at least two big news publications, both produce articles that look like they were written by grade schoolers. Anything that wasn’t copy/pasted from the AP seems to be written hastily by somebody who dropped out before understanding English. I’m sure many other cities have the same issue. The one is called news five or Jax 5 news, and the other is first coast news. They’ll hire anybody to write apparently.

  • … And that’s why I’m proud today to announce a newer, better solution; Trump private prisons. The biggest, best prisons, big beautiful prisons the likes of which, frankly… D’y’know we never had a prison like this before? It’s unfathomable! It’s really disgusting frankly, the way they claim this and that about the best prisons. That’s why we’ve got to get rid of all this stuff standing in the way of doing what I think we… And we all know who I’m talking about here, don’t we folks? It’s a gigantic fraud and we’ve got to do something about it before it’s too late, cause they’re coming for the private prisons, and they’re coming for your freedom, and we’re not gonna let them, are we? Beautiful. Beautiful.

  • I get my credit score up through tricks of the trade, get whatever procedure I need on credit, and then don’t pay at all, because I can’t afford basic medical even though I work, for above minimum wage no less. They want too much for essential medical treatments, so now I have to do this to survive, I just hope that between every 2 years when my credit tricks work again, that I don’t get mysteriously ill with no way to pay. I tried everything. I work 40 hours and live in a very basic tract home built in the 90s with roommates, I sell things on the side, my old man does repairs/handyman services, we don’t shop, or go on dates, or get to enjoy life really at all outside the home, hell, I’ve even tried selling porn; but apparently I’m not hot enough to pull that off either. And to top off this absolutely lack of sundae; I work enough to not qualify for any assistance despite all the above details keeping me stuck renting/working a shit job until something breaks or I get sick or somebody dies. I know some of y’all are gonna hate me for this, but I didn’t create this broken economy where $10-$30 a month for insurance is an unaffordable expense on top of copays and deductibles and all the BS to make sure you never use the service they’ve made you purchase… When is enough gonna be enough? Then our leaders have the balls to ask why we’re upset? Give me a damn break.

  • You don’t have to be an asshole to want to carry a gun around everywhere. When you’re surrounded by people who openly discuss murdering you for your political stance, or your personal identity, or how you were born, and those people are intent on carrying guns to “defend” against threats that do no exist, meanwhile feeding themselves a steady diet of hate and discontent mixed with conspiracy theories… carrying may be the only thing between you and a lynching.

    In short: take those people’s guns and the rest of us can finally abandon these barbaric relics to the anals of history.