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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I spent way too long today figuring out why my app was doing something that it’s NOT supposed to do on weekends.

    I read Luxon’s docs (pretty cool lib tbh) again and again, and tried everything I could think of to get isWeekend to return a sane result.

    Turns out I was pulling a somewhat older version of Luxon, where isWeekend didn’t exist. In any sane language, I expect I’d get a huge warning about a property that doesn’t exist, but alas…

    Typescript helps me keep my sanity, but juuuuust barely.

  • You’re a special kind of person, aren’t you?

    This far down, and you keep demanding that someone answers you about why “they” are liberals, behaving as if the universe owes you answers.

    Sympathetic with your deluded but apparently honest ignorance, @RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world did their best by sharing an anecdote that demonstrates that, while possible that “they” are liberals because the issues directly impacting “them”, that may not necessarily be the case.

    Alas, it was then that we came to find that you just wanted to hear yourself talk while petulantly dismissing others’ thoughts.

    The story developed unexpectedly however, as this behaviour was accurately and immediately pointed out, and this led to a series of increasingly irate comments, likely caused by a mounting sense of frustration stemming from the inability to rebuff such accurate criticism. We’re sure to see an escalation from the passive aggression initially being employed into more open and direct insults, as a welling sense of dread about being outwitted threatens to set in.

    Stay tuned!

  • I feel like you missed the point.

    Webengines are not more complex than a full OS, and yet, Linux works as a community driven project and Chromium does not.

    The difference is that Linus is the one with final say in Linux, and he never sold out to a company. Chromium is Google.

    It will never be a “community” project, because Google pumps so many resources into it. The goal is obvious: to make sure that it’s always ahead of any competitors, and anyone willing to catch up would have to match Google spending.

    The brilliant move here by Google was making it open source. This ensures that no other megacorp needs to fight them, as long as their interests are aligned.

    Edge has died already. Safari will follow. The future is grim.

  • and what is their endgame? “Developers are releasing cheats that emualate a mouse. Therefore Riot needs to use a camera to record your hand”?

    You mean a device that physically operates the mouse? I don’t know, I don’t work for riot, but this is done in online chess - to participate in some tournaments with money prizes you need 2 webcams.

    If everybody is jumping off a roof, so should Riot?

    No, the question is if this discussion also cover all other anticheats that use kernel mode, or is here anything that is League-specific?

    Isn’t the whole point of anti-cheat to survey the computer? If you aren’t getting anything new, then why even use a kernel-level anticheat?

    This is just splitting hairs on semantics, isn’t it? From the moment the app is running in user space, it could collect a huge amount of user info, but it can’t look for kernel-level cheat software.

    Note that I don’t play league, I could care less about the game or the developer, I’m just interested in the privacy vs cheating aspect of the conversation.