EDIT: Why are people downvoting this? At least come in and explain. I think it’s kind of important when a senator says something that atrocious.

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Let’s not get carried away here…

    Sure, Tommy Tube is much worse, but Jones was still a conservative democrat who voted

    • Against ending US support of ethnic cleansing in Yemen

    • For eliminating the protections Dodd-Frank put in place to stop the greed and carelessness of Wall Street from causing more recessions

    • Against the Green New Deal (one of only 3 Dems to do so. He wanted to be on the record opposing it even as most of the others voted present)

    Overall, he voted with the fascists 35% of the time.

    You might point out that 90-100% is much more than 35, and that is of course correct, but 35% is still at least 30% higher than what it should have been, allowing for a small number of uncontroversial votes.