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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • do you prefer a level headed voice trying to minimize palestinian casualties, or would you prefer Israel get the all-clear to steamroll Gaza indiscriminately, likely annexing it wholesale? Very clear choices.

    Would greatly prefer the former, but unfortunately no such candidate was on the stage.

    There was one guy lying about whether Israel wants to end the genocide while sidestepping the fact that he’s the one supplying the weapons and political cover.

    And then there was the guy telling the truth for the first time in years by pointing out that Israel very much DO want to keep the hostilities going…and then bemoaning that the other war criminal on the stage wasn’t being gleefully bloodthirsty in public about it.

    Definitely the stupidest timeline 🤦

  • What news station hasn’t lied before?

    There’s a gigantic difference between

    A) sometimes accidentally saying something untrue due to sloppy work and then issuing a retraction when you find out or someone finds out for you

    B) sometimes accidentally or deliberately saying something untrue due to editorial bias and then issuing a retraction

    C) Having a deliberate strategy of lying on purpose to further an agenda while constantly accusing everyone else of the same

    Almost all of the news outlets in the world do A and B, rarely in most cases.

    Faux News have been doing C all day every day since 1996.

  • He can ask for her recusal, and file an appeal when she inevitably refuses

    Yeah, because when that doesn’t work, and it won’t, there’s no way both she and the violent Trump cult retaliate against him for trying 🙄

    He hasn’t even tried that, and at this point, the valid reasons why have all vanished

    Yeah, because an already belligerent judge becoming openly hostile helps his case and he isn’t getting enough death threats already 🙄

    There’s no chance this case is going to trial before the election

    And thus no chance it ever happens unless Trump loses again and the inevitable second coup attempt isn’t successful.

    She’s already as hostile as she can be towards the prosecution

    Wanna bet? A thousand bucks says she’s still trying (unsuccesfully) to appear impartial and will become much worse in reaction to him stating the obvious facts to the contrary.

    And she’s holding hearings regarding having him removed from the case

    Does that sound to you like the action of a well-adjusted person who won’t react to valid criticism by abusing the power she has over him and the case?

    He literally has nothing to lose

    Except for one of the most important and on paper strongest court cases in the history of the country. Just tiny things like that.

    What the fuck is he waiting for?

    For people more powerful than him to protect the case from the inevitable fallout of an attempt doomed to failure.

    Tl;Dr: you’re right about what SHOULD be, but wrong about what IS on all points.

  • Your agnst drives stupidity

    Bold words from someone too worked up and/or stupid to do even cursory proofreading on his reflexive insistence on alternative facts 🙄

    totally valid criticism of a candidate who lost

    Based on what, other than the word of an unregistered foreign agent trying to overcorrect with the “I’m for the locals!” demagoguery?

    your current Cause célèbre one which you are aware of only on a surface level.

    Says a lot about you that you automatically assume that people only care about the most heinous of crimes against humanity because it’s “trending right now” and are utterly ignorant if they don’t agree with the right wing establishment orthodoxy.

    I’ve been advocating for Palestine independence since before the Oslo Accords, dumbass.

    Why you think I would have any interest in that I do not know, yet here we are.

    Now that you mention it, you DO strike me as extremely incurious and thus susceptible to deep seated confirmation bias. Better not waste any more time on your willfully ignorant ass.

    Have the day you deserve.

  • Latimer claimed, on CNN, that over 50% of his funding was from people in the district

    Local headquarters or not, AIPAC represents Israel, NOT Bronx.

    while over 90% of Bowman’s was from outside.

    Gonna need a source on that. The ass of a conservative Zionist genocide enabler doesn’t count.

    Couldn’t get Bowman’s response to that because he declined CNN’s invite to appear.

    Probably has better things to with his time than fend off the bad faith questions of billionaire-owned media

    Is that what Dems need - pols who can’t be bothered to appear on major cable networks?

    Much better than a corrupt genocide enabler at any rate.