“The West needs to change its views: sanctions against Russia don’t work that way” - https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Die-Sanktionen-gegen-Russland-funktionieren-so-nicht-article24416089.html
“The West is making Russia stronger than it is” - https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2023-11/sanktionen-russland-wladimir-putin-krieg
“Loopholes in sanctions? Sanctions against Russia: the country was not ready” - https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/schlupfloecher-bei-sanktionen-russland-sanktionen-bund-war-nicht-vorbereitet
“The Russian economy is growing: why don’t sanctions work anymore?” - https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/russlands-wirtschaft-wachst-warum-wirken-die-sanktionen-nicht-10306972.html
“Economic sanctions against Russia: bans are only conditional” - https://taz.de/Wirtschaftssanktionen-gegen-Russland/!5950928/
“It’s not just about China: sanctions against Russia don’t work” - https://www.focus.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-krise/das-liegt-nicht-nur-an-china-sanktionen-gegen-russland-funktionieren-nicht_id_259489953.html
I recall I watched an interview with the Belarusian ambassador, and he pointed out how after the west started sanctioning them and they had to start doing trade with other countries, their profits from trade increased even though overall volume of trade decreased. Which is an indicator that the west was ripping them off.