I don’t want to share too much personal stuff, which i personally think in my probably stupid opinion, makes this post entirely pointless. I have a lot of i guess weird or extreme opinions or beliefs. I’ve never really expected people to believe in my beliefs, just to understand how I view the world. It often times feels like it is too much, to keep hoping that others will attempt to understand. Thankfully i have a few people who seem to understand for now. I am very left leaning. I think, i’ve been told im both far right and far left i don’t know anymore. i’ve been told im capitalist, anarchist, communist, socialist and a whole bunch of other ist’s and ism’s i don’t remember. And i’ve struggled up and down with whether or not im intelligent or not. I used to think i was a moron, and with trump, the fact most people don’t read and i was just an average reader in school i guess i come off as. im not sure what word im looking for. I guess i come off as rude sometimes. But i know at least what a tarriff is. But the more i view the world. The i feel better not looking on social media. Not looking as much to replies on posts, not really engaging with anyone other than those i know somewhat well already that can deal with me, and are open enough to tell me when im too much to deal with and they need time away.

When it comes to sharing my ideas for solutions to problems in the world, with lots of people, i seem to get lots of pushback, i can understnad on some of my ideas, but some of them are ideas lots of people have too.

I don’t really want to share those more far left ideas i have, but i wonder if maybe i should shut up and stop sharing anything because i hear sometimes my ideas are just damaging progress or something. The thing is, im not surprised by 2024-2025. It feels more like events were already set there to begin with, and i knew this the whole time but i didn’t want to admit these things. i think a lot of people didn’t want to admit this was possible and thats part of why we’re here. And that is one opinion i’ve lost friends and people over. Is the truth something that we just can’t handle anymore? Am i just totally wrong and stupid? I don’t know anymore. I’m not even sure im looking for an answer. And probably, there is no answer or answers to these thoughts.

  • spittingimage@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Other people’s opinions of you are based more on what’s in their heads than yours. Don’t worry about it. Say what you think.