If the average American were asked what they imagine the priorities of the feminist movement are these days, most people would likely cite concerns like “fighting abortion bans” or “getting justice for sexual violence victims” or boring mainstays like “equal pay for equal work.” But if you listen in to the world of right-wing social media influencers, they have a different answer. To them, feminists are single-mindedly obsessed with destroying women who identify as “tradwives.”

  • FarFarAway@startrek.website
    10 months ago

    Stay at home mom is one thing, but was she subservient and obedient?

    There’s a difference between a woman staying at home to raise kids because it makes financial sense, and what these women are peddling.

    • MagicShel@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      TMI: I mean we are kinky so it felt like a natural fit at first but it didn’t take very long to get uncomfortable with household submission outside the bedroom. Especially since we have daughters and even if it was sexy for us, it sure as hell wasn’t behavior I wanted to model for them.

      So as far as your point goes it really wasn’t kinky, but I have some understanding of how it can be for some folks who already decide single income is the right choice for them. But once kids enter the picture, kink has to go behind closed doors. Family dynamic has to grow beyond just what tickles two people.

      • FarFarAway@startrek.website
        10 months ago

        This is fair. You guys tried it out, within a certain context. When it didn’t feel right yall moved on. There’s nothing wrong with trying new things, and there’s nothing wrong with using this concept to be kinky. Spice up your life, I say. And, good on you for not wanting to role model that for your daughters!

        I feel like what’s going on here is more than just a kink, though. I can see how what these women are doing could be construed as a kink, but that seems superficial and kinda dangerous. These women aren’t just saying “Yes, Master” when their husband’s tell them to bend over and pick up that spoon they’ve dropped, wearing some maid outfit in a xxx rated 50 Shades of Grey fantasy. They’re advocating for compete and total control, by their husbands, over their everyday lives, from a religious standpoint. Not going out at night, having trackers on their phones, and controlling who their friends are, are also some of the things the videos of those women in the article listed.

        Yeah, the article is about how it’s giving young men the wrong idea about relationships, comparing it to how porn gives them the wrong idea about sex. But, at the end of the day, I think its a poor analogy. Its not just about lonely guys having unreasonable expectations of a wifes role in (and out, in this case ;) of the bedroom. The message here is that women should all love not being treated as equals, in any regard, and their only role is to cater to a man’s every whim, because thats what the Bible says. Not just whims sexual in nature, but in every aspect of life. If a large amount of men come to expect every woman should act like this…well, just ask women in Iran or Afghanistan how that’s going.