Don’t worry everyone, Germany’s likely next Chancellor worked at Blackrock, he’ll get everything back on track.
lmao can’t wait till Germany is sold off for parts
failures to remove regulatory hurdles
Bourgeoisie, you have nothing to lose but your chains!
surely as it trends to zero they bullshit the numbers
too many high falutin careers and far, far too much money hinged on the growth mythos
having stripped “democratic” capitalism back to bare bones, growth is also the final carrot left in the carrot arsenal of democracy
it’ll be all sticks and lies from here on out
“Europe has the choice of doing hard work or…”
Yeah, Europeans really don’t work already. We should implement 80-hour workweeks and slash pensions! How else would the smol-bean industrialists remaining that haven’t fled entirely to China make a profit?
Isn’t that basically what Rutte said the other day when he was complaining how Europeans spend too much on social services and pensions.
Jesus, I didn’t even see that. Yup.
They include a fivefold jump in research and development spending, more integrated capital markets and more than five million new workers a year.
Lmao, so they don’t want gdp per capita growth they just want raw gdp growth. Also, research and developmental spending will raise the European gdp wrt other countries, but innovation will depress prices (after accounting for inflation), raise capital intensity per worker and in general, lower profit rates. I don’t think the bourgeoise are interested in that.
Today’s working age population of 291 million compares with 165 million in the US. By the end of the century, the former will have shrunk by more than a third, while the latter will be almost a fifth larger, according to the report.
And this is a problem why exactly? It’s not like the Europeans plan on competing with the us cold war style.
His call to invest as much as €800 billion ($840 billion) extra a year and commit to the regular issuance of common bonds, though, fell on deaf ears within some of the region’s largest economies.
Shocking that increasing investment by a few percentage points of an entire continents economy did not happen just cause some guy said we should do it. Almost like history is made by the masses (be they masses of proles or bougies).
Overall comments: at least they seem to be focused on growth in green and digital technologies. Yay, we cleared the lowest possible bar.
Yeah, the whole analysis is frankly idiotic. What Europe should actually be doing is figuring out how to bring down energy prices, which in a sane world would mean working with China to create nuclear and renewable infrastructure. Then Europe should think about how to produce basic shit people living in Europe need domestically. None of Europe’s problems stem from lack of high tech. All the tech that Europe needs is mature and well understood. Of course, as long as Europe continues to be a dictatorship of capital, nothing sane will be possible.
as long as Europe continues to be a dictatorship of capital
*and a US vassal