Contrary to my distaste for them, but I wouldn’t mind advertisements now and then. By now and then, I mean, like once every other hour or if they’re displayed in a way that isn’t obstructing. Obviously that is not how they are these days.

I know companies need to still get out there and be known but I do not need to know that much and I don’t really care of your business if I have to hear, see and have spoken to me of it at every single turn. I would especially love it, if everything wasn’t a paywall to not see any.

Advertisements are just simply a disease.

    4 months ago

    YouTube has just notified me that my family subscription, which cost under USD $3/month because I used a VPN to buy it in Argentina, is about to be canceled, and I have to pay the local amount, about USD $17.

    It was good for the 2 years or so while it lasted, but I’m done with YouTube. In any case, I was finding the videos being shoveled in my face were irritatingly uniform and clearly chosen to reinforce my prejudices rather than challenge them or even give me an even-handed selection.

    And fuck, I am just tired of all the reaction videos and clickbait “content” by talentless hacks who are just trying to profit off of other people’s creativity.