hand this guy a shovel and he just digs himself deeper. Last I checked, Cuomo was still alive, was never actually tortured and just ousted for sexual misconduct allegations. Ooops. Emmit Till was abducted, tortured, and lynched over accusations that he offended a white woman… who he probably never even talked to. to add insult to injury, the FBI report took until 2006, when he was lynched in 1955.
hand this guy a shovel and he just digs himself deeper. Last I checked, Cuomo was still alive, was never actually tortured and just ousted for sexual misconduct allegations. Ooops. Emmit Till was abducted, tortured, and lynched over accusations that he offended a white woman… who he probably never even talked to. to add insult to injury, the FBI report took until 2006, when he was lynched in 1955.
Excellently stated!