Itā€™s a clichĆ© to say that electricity surged through a courtroom ā€” but it did whenĀ Hope Hicks took the standĀ Friday morning for her testimony in the election interference trial of former President Donald Trump.


Another devastating blow came at the very end of Hicksā€™ direct testimony when she revealed a stunning trifecta: that, while president, Trump had admitted to her that he knew his then-fixer Michael Cohen had paid Daniels, that Trump attempted to blame Cohen and that Hicks did not believe him. She alsoĀ statedĀ that Trump felt it was better to be dealing with it after the election than beforehand. She appeared so distraughtĀ ā€” presumablyĀ about throwing her former boss under the busĀ ā€”Ā that she then began crying.

    2 months ago

    They donā€™t feel shame. Nobody spending any amount of time working for Donald could possibly feel shame.

    If theyā€™ve been living under a rock for the last few decades five minutes of dealing with him will cure their ignorance and they will quit. Everyone who works with him that isnā€™t (somehow!) unaware of his fraud and corruption is a shameless sociopath. There is so much fraud and corruption.