I might try one second hand if they’re cheap. Can any of these work without some idiotic third-party account?
… I’d replace the padding on any used device, though, that is a little gross now that I consider it.
I might try one second hand if they’re cheap. Can any of these work without some idiotic third-party account?
… I’d replace the padding on any used device, though, that is a little gross now that I consider it.
Me in my Mercedes: activates FSD one one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand deactivates FSD wow! The future is here.
Reminds me of software saying to put your docker socket into the docker container you are starting for convenience.
I will not give them the satisfaction.
But how can we milk you for subscription money that way?
It’s not even popular on Lemmy. People are fine with the anti-cheat. They draw the line at enforced third-party accounts, though, which is commendable.
IDK, ask them. There are some in this thread. I’m addressing the strawman argument that people against it are luddites set in their ways over their beloved cron jobs.
If systemd was only managing services there would be less opposition. People opposed don’t want a single thing doing services and boot and user login and network management and…
I wish these shithead Repubs would panic about the First Amendment even one hundredth as hard as they panic about the Second.
This sign is a despicable lie.
MBAs love taking an existing brand and sucking whatever value they can extract. Like chupacabras but for functioning and useful products.
That’s 100% someone trolling Linux users.
If we claim we are recommending distros do we escape on a technicality?
Anyone else remember when new technology used to be fun and exciting instead of miserable?
It is their own fault for poisoning the internet with their slop.
I don’t think we should encourage the docker container has access to the docker socket paradigm.
Lego is serious about those 4-99 age limits, huh?
But that is literally why we have many of the definitions accepted as standard today.
If they aren’t cooperating with recovering access to your accounts, report them to the CFPB. They are legally required to give a real response instead of a form letter. I assume it costs them time and money, which is a side benefit.
If the federal government requires 7 years, they probably will not budge on that at all. They should have a strong incentive to not leak that data, but they don’t. That is a failing of the US government. We need a HIPAA but covering any personal data instead of only health.
Gitlab is a security nightmare. They have zero conception how to write secure code and they don’t care to learn.
I was looking for a link to the previous CVEs I was aware of and there is yet another one that is new to me: https://thehackernews.com/2024/09/urgent-gitlab-patches-critical-flaw.html
This is not a serious service to be hosting source code on.