Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The only way that could possibly effective is if it was paired with comprehensive voting reform in every state (well, every state that matters).

    A third party cannot win with the current first-past-the-post system. It’s so obvious that I can’t imagine why it would need to be explained. Have a good leftist candidate, it’ll take votes from the liberal. Popular conservative alt candidate, will take votes from the Republican. With our current roughly 50/50 balance, either one could result in the candidate with less support for their ideology winning. That’s how you end up with something like (theoretically) 25% Stein, 35% Biden, 40% Trump, and Trump wins because he had the plurality. Great.

  • So, you’ve intentionally or not missed the point that Biden does not make all the decisions for the US. He’s in a difficult position especially with Congress and Republicans overwhelmingly supporting Israel.

    And you haven’t heard it from me. I don’t call him that.

    That’s fine. I’m not only discussing you. I’m discussing “leftist bro” people who can’t stop talking shit about Biden constantly and don’t seem concerned at all about Republican plans for Trump and the country. If that’s you, then okay.

    And any criticism of Biden is support for Trump.

    Excessive, unfair and pointless criticism helps Trump, yes. Do Trump and Republicans deserve any crticism? Well, no way, I’ll just talk shit about Biden endlessly.

    Griping about Biden enabling genocide on a small fledgling platform inhabited almost entirely by centrists who just want his critics to shut up isn’t going to throw anything.

    So, it’s interesting how “so leftist bro” people come to places where people are likely to vote for Biden and try to erode his support. Guess who that would help?

    You should be fucking livid that Biden is enabling genocide

    How old are you? Israel has been doing this forever, with full US support. It’s been going on for decades before I was born. Were you livid when the French and British set up the whole thing in the 40s?

    Sounds like a justification for never, ever stopping.

    not in anyway whatsoever is that " justification for never, ever stopping". It’s pointing out that “OMG JOR BIDEN” is just a clueless thing to be fixating on. Again, as if Biden makes all the decisions for the entire country by himself. This was going on for decades before Biden was in power.

    BuT nO OnE hErE sUpPoRtS gEnOcIdE.

    That’s correct, nobody here support genocide. If you want to help Trump be in charge of Palestinian, Ukrainian, LGBT and central American genocides, keep it up.

  • I’m not really clear why. Biden has ran a competent administration and it’s been like night and day compared to the chaotic horror of the trump admin. Of course, Biden should absolutely be pressured to change policy on Israel. AIPAC is a very powerful force in US politics, however. This is likely to be a close election and talking endless shit about Biden and encouraging people from voting or encouraging them to vote 3rd party absolutely is a gift to Trump. Netanyahu would love for Trump to be elected, as would Putin. It would be a greenlight for them to be even worse in their respective wars. Denigrating Biden and eroding his support will not solve anything for Palestine, and will totally screw Ukraine and Americans.

    Quite obviously, I oppose genocide, and the Palestinians have deserved much better for years. Throwing this election over that issue makes absolutely no sense, though.