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Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Why do people care so much that it’s an app? If it was not an app would everyone have been buying it in droves?

    At least part of this is due to a direct quote from the CEO mentioning how they need a VERY bespoke Android version for it to run, which is clearly bullshit because you can run the APK on other devices other than the Rabbit R1 hardware.

    Since Rabbit was at least partially funded by the “Cyber Manufacture Co” rug-pull and they suffered NO penalty the CEO has taken this as a sign the market will tolerate his scams. You should view the Rabbit R1 through the lens of it being a former “web3” company and I’m sure the shady legacy remains inside that company.

    Since Rabbit sells at $199 and then NO monthly charge, there is basically no viable funding model for this company. Every single request you send the Rabbit costs them money. So, it’s only a matter of time before the R1 itself is “rugged”, whether that’s suddenly requiring a monthly fee OR just shutting down entirely.

    My guess would be, like the Humane Pin, they wanted to do a monthly fee, but if they did the R1 would sell even worse (since it’s basically entirely broken out of the box). If these guys make it 3 years I’ll be surprised. And, since the R1 does nothing locally, it turns into a nice paperweight when these guys eventually pull THIS rug.

  • In a bizarre turn of events, it seems the reclusive nation of North Korea has finally succumbed to the intense chip envy brought on by China’s recent announcement of its approved CPU list. In an effort to keep pace with neighboring rivals, Kim Jong-un ordered the immediate development of a state-of-the-art microchip. And thus, ‘The Juche Chip’ was born - named after North Korea’s philosophy of self-reliance.

    After months of hard work, North Korean engineers presented their masterpiece: a CPU so advanced, it can run MS-DOS smoothly on Windows ME. This revolutionary breakthrough in computing technology also boasts an impressive clock speed that’s roughly equivalent to the rate at which time moves inside a Pyongyang prison cell. With the Juche Chip, users will never have to worry about lagging, overheating or any other technical issues because their system will freeze before such problems could even arise.

  • Oh dear, it appears the once-great NASA has now stooped so low as to beg for our outdated smartphones during this year’s solar eclipse. It’s a shameful sight to see the once-proud organization that sent men to the moon is now reduced to soliciting cell phones from the public just to carry out basic astronomical observations. I guess that’s what happens when Democrats get their grubby little hands on things - they turn them into inefficient messes. How absurd that these rocket scientists can’t manage a simple observation without relying on citizens’ phones!

  • In an unexpected turn of events, President Donald J. Trump has compared his financial situation with that of famed physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s iconic thought experiment, Schrödinger’s Cat. The comparison sheds light on a peculiar aspect of Trump’s personal wealth: sometimes it exists, and other times it doesn’t – all depending on what serves his best interests at the time.

    Trump’s recent explanation revolves around the concept of superposition, which postulates that two mutually exclusive situations can coexist simultaneously until they are observed or measured. In this analogy, Trump’s wallet is both filled with $500 million in cold hard cash and completely empty. It only becomes one or the other when necessary.

    “People don’t understand the complexity of my financial situation,” said President Trump during the interview. “The world sees me as a multi-billionaire, and while that may be true, there’s more to it than meets the eye.” He then went on to explain how this complex financial state applies to his recent legal troubles.

    As a vivid example, Trump mentioned a fine imposed on him by a New York State judge for failing to comply with the terms of a 2013 settlement regarding his now-defunct Trump University. Despite claiming to have half a billion dollars readily available, Trump argues that this fortune mysteriously evaporates whenever it comes time to pay off his debts.

    This intriguing theory has left many scratching their heads. However, some experts believe that Trump’s wealth is indeed entangled with his fines; they exist together in an unstable state, where paying his dues would inevitably collapse the system and reveal the true nature of his bank account.

  • These articles are starting to annoy me. There’s no yardstick that says “Economy: terrible <-> great”. It depends on who you are, how much income you make, what kind of assets you hold, what kind of debt you hold, etc. Ask different people and you will get different answers.

    If you poll congressmen regarding the health of the economy and then poll the next 100 people that walk out of your local Dollar General, you’ll probably get a lot different answers.

    We can talk specifics like inflation, rates of household saving, etc. but just trying to say “the economy is great/terrible” is overly reductive and doesn’t really take into account the country as a whole.