Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • or you can’t compete

    Nah nah fuck that noise. ‘Jack of all trades but ace of none’ or however the saying goes, is a shitty way to go about things. I don’t have the biggest dick but I know my way around around the block, and I know I’m good at it. More specialized > the catch-all bitches.

    Let the fucks with their special engine requirements eat shit. Standardize or write a fucking proper program (miss me with that “app” bullshit) or fuck right off. “everyone is special… exactly like you” now fuck off web dev. Your shit doesn’t get a permit.

    I may have some… disputes with the way the web is done nowadays.

  • USM repurposed an old subscription email system for their 2FA, and if you had opted-out of the advertising before, well you don’t get 2FA codes then. I spent a few days figuring this out with support. They removed 2FA from my account and explained the situation. A year later, I re-enabled 2FA, because SURELY they’d have fixed it by now, right? This was ~3 and 2 years ago, respectively.

    I’m still locked out of the account because they never fixed it. If that’s how they handle their systems, I want no fucking part of it. Can’t pay me enough to put a number I care about under their control.

  • Miss me with that, I’m disabled and get less than a grand a month for all my expenses. All of the major cell phone brands offer their own financing (and all I’ve seen is 0% interest for 24 or 36 months), and have for 10+ years. And because you’re not buying from a carrier, you aren’t locked in, so you can hop to prepaid plans or even MVNOs and enjoy actually massive savings. If you actually needed to, you can get by with service at $10 or less a month, and assuming you are paying $65 a month currently (the going rate for an “unlimited” tmo plan, I don’t know the math for groups) you’d save $55 a month, or $1,320 over 2 years. Enough to make your flagship phone “free”.

  • Both those are for line activation, not switching devices. My main line currently is with AT&T small biz and I’ve moved from Pixel 6 Pro > 7 Pro > 8 Pro by just popping the sim in. No charges. When tmo postpaid was my main provider, same thing, charged once initially and that was it. For tmo prepaid, I currently have family on lines and again nothing beyond the initial sim charge. And as I recall, esim is free (as it should be).

    If you don’t go to a store for assistance or do something weird (try and move from a phone to a tablet or something; and that limit is only for postpaid lines afaik), there should be no fee. It’s only when you involve a staff member do they charge you for assistance. Unless tmo changed the policy for postpaid lines in the last 2y, my experience doesn’t match yours o.O

  • Do note that, depending on what plan you were on before, and what you’re on now, it might be the same network but not the same service. Almost all MVNOs are at a lower data priority (sometimes by several levels), most don’t offer roaming service, most don’t offer international service, and things like (first-party) call/text blocking through an app isn’t available.

    I have a second line on tello for $6 and it’s everything I need for that line, but during the day data is basically useless on that line. The tower near me is massively over capacity - but if you have a tmo line with their top priority (most plans sold directly thru tmo), you’d never know it. Everyone else gets screwed.