It’s a great time as space age aka 2.0 just released. If you’re the type to get absorbed into min/maxing stuff, remember to say goodbye and I love you to your family before launching factorio.
It’s a great time as space age aka 2.0 just released. If you’re the type to get absorbed into min/maxing stuff, remember to say goodbye and I love you to your family before launching factorio.
My doctor said I should not drink brake fluid, I told him not to worry… I can stop anytime
It’s doesn’t say anything good about your navy but really doesn’t say anything good about your AUTOpilot.
You forgot to include the most important phrase… “I use arch BTW” :)
So really it’s in a few days iwfu(I will fuck up)
Not me but a former Co worker was bitten by something unknown. He went out fishing, I don’t know if alcohol was included but I wouldn’t be surprised. He got home and noticed two puncture wounds on the back of his leg. Over the next few days his leg really hurt, he went to the doctor was basically told it’s just a little inflamed here’s some ibuprofen.
Another week goes by still in pain so he goes back. Might be a mild infection heres some antibiotics.
A few days go by and pain is getting worse. He goes to hospital. The check him out, he is going into sepsis and his kidneys and liver are shutting down. They put him in a medical induced coma. Once they stabilize him they run more tests, they find stage 4 lung cancer. They send him to some cancer hospital in Kentucky. He arrives late at night(still in coma). They put him in a room. They check on him the next morning and he is dead.
Granted but still bad naming convension. In comparison which is better Playstation 4 or Playstation 5?
Yeah, I understand the whole different kernal thing but that’s the type of thing that the average consumer shouldn’t have to know to follow your program naming scheme.
Yes… And the sequels? I still don’t know if Xbox one s or x box one x is the higher end model…
I have no love for Microsoft but their naming is one of the worst parts… Let’s make a game console! We’ll call it Xbox!.. That sold well let make another! We’ll call it xbox360… Time for a refresh on the gaming console! We’ll call it Xbox one… Another refresh but this time let’s make two versions! We’ll call them Xbox one series s and x box one series s!
Or our popular ide is bloated and people are asking for a light weight ide… What’s our current ide called? Visual studio but alot of people abbreviate it to vs! Let’s call the new one vscode! Do they have anything in common or share functionality or shortcuts? No
Don’t get me started on windows… 3.1… 95…nt…98…2000…me…vista…7…8…10…11 like wtf???
Where I work we do a mix… Some 4 days, 10 hrs each, some 5days 8 hrs each.
Production is typically 4/10 and most other people are 5/8. This allows the other groups a day where production isn’t running and other things can happen, like maintaining equipment and running tests without interfering with production schedules. While not requiring support to come in on a Saturday or Sunday.
It works out pretty well for us, except when production does ot on Fridays for weeks in a row and the other stuff can’t get done…
This depends on the area of medical device. I work in medical device but totally different from this, mine get implanted into your body.
I doubt many people have the knowledge to to truly troubleshoot our devices beyond what the doctor is allowed to do. We need a bunch of expensive and specialized hardware to troubleshoot.
We are legally required to investigate and report any complaints( . If we don’t get the complaint we can’t investigate and report it.
If a certain number(honestly I don’t know the specific number) of complaints occur we are legally required to create a corrective action to help the patients immediately (or as soon as possible) and a preventive action to ensure it doesn’t effect other patients. If a person has an issue and “repaired” it themselves they don’t get counted in this and as such could cause more patients to suffer.
While I agree with right to repair I think certain things should be exempt. That said then there should be a requirement of the manufacturer to ivestigate/repair the equipment.
I went to dragon con one year, people were dressed in all sorts of costumes even though it’s not a furry con. And I know the hotels where the con is are incredibly hard to book. That said just once I want some senior executive to accidently book a room in one because he has some meeting with a potential client of something and just so happen to click it at the right time.
He shows up and is completely bewildered by all the people in costumes. “you’ll never believe it mark. I rode down the elevator with a robot and I swear to God… Tiny from Bob’s burgers”
I do this alot but I alway follow up with “Do you know what blah is?” and depending on age/experience/acronym or term I ask them to explain it.
Sometimes I get assigned work with a senior engineer(where I learn) and sometimes I get asked to help a new person. For example right now I’m in a project being driven by a senior engineer but was asked to assist a professional development program employee(or pdp) to actually execute the project. As a result this is the habit I developed to 1. Make sure I don’t confuse people with random acronyms or terms 2. Ensure we are on the same regarding definition(and they are not just saying yes I know when they don’t).
No, I replace some of them, Whatever needs it’s. For example this is actually a peripheral year so my monitors are good, my desk is good, I’m 50/50 on my chair but I’m planning to replace my speakers.
No, I replace some of them, Whatever needs it’s.
I tend to recommend a 3 year cycle. Year 1 upgrade peripherals (speakers, monitors, maybe chair, keyboard, mouse etc) year 2. Upgrade video card and hard drives. year 3. Upgrade motherboard, ram and cpu. Year 4 repeat year 1
With this you can you can do 95% of the latest stuff with “good” stuff (think XX70 cards rather then 80 or 90 series) since you are never that outdated on any portion.
Not to mention the amount of analog clocks that are just wrong. I work at a fortune 500 company, most clocks are digital and synced to a time server. Every analog clock is wrong. Just yesterday I walked through the cafeteria and glanced at the clock and it read 5:20… For a second I panicked and was like it can’t be that late. I checked my phone, it was 3:06. The clock was just not set properly.
If I confess to what I did on a dare is that a truth or dare?
I say you’re wrong. If in dacade we are stilling complaining about the same dev, then we have failed to teach. In a decade that junior dev should be a senior and probably better than me. If they are still junior either they don’t have the ability to progress or I failed them. Most likely I failed them…m