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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • You do need great hardware, but it depends on your use case. If you want the full 671 billion parameter R1, you need to run it on specialized hardware that has enough RAM.

    If you want to run R1 on a phone, you could get the 1.5B parameter R1 running as well. But the quality of results and the speed of response diminish significantly depending on the model and the hardware you use.

    In Iceland they run their Bitcoin Mining facilities fully on geothermal energy. I wouldn’t be surprised to find the EU exploring there options regarding new data centers built on renewable energy for quite some time. For now it is a lot faster to train the models within existing data centers that already have the hardware while everyone is actively competing.

    Meanwhile governments and corporations are trying to pull money out their ass (cutting important programs) to move mountains and create AGI, of which we have no evidence this is the way to accomplish that.

  • I wish it was the year of Linux, and they get 90%+ market share overnight when Gabe Newell announces you can play Half Life 3 exclusively on Steam OS, which includes in-game copies of The Winds of Winter, Doors of Stone, an English translation of Mother 3, and footage of 10 seasons of Firefly that had secretly been produced in private for Gabe.

    The downside is they start the enshittification process immediately. The DRMs get worse, then the ads come, and finally the lawsuits and psyops on distros that treat us well and give us options.

  • As someone who has a formal education in Computer Engineering, I can attest that the degree is essentially a combination of modern Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degrees. In other words it is a dual major without any of the benefits.

    Not all Software Engineers do actual engineering and that’s okay. The only problems I’ve seen with this in my time in the tech industry is when you have someone who can talk the talk, but when it comes time to do the difficult mental work, they fold like a deck of cards, or worse release a product that’s half-baked. You will see this a lot when a boot camp churns out talent hoping to make a quick buck and then they are given a truly important and hard problem to solve, such as healthcare or military applications.

    For that reason, many SWE roles require education to be specified on resumes, rather than certifications as a hoop you have to jump through. If your job did not question your education when you were interviewing then that is usually a good indicator of the kinds of people you will be working with. With all of that said I’ve worked with many engineers that did not have a formal education and were very talented, some of which lied about their education to get where they are today. This happens frequently across all industries however, and isn’t unique to software.

  • I had a similar experience in the last year. They basically try to trick you into paying. They know exactly what they are doing too.

    This one time a few years ago I literally went in for a check up (first time all year) to find I had a completely new doctor assigned to me. And I couldn’t even make this shit up if I tried. The new doctor was not in my network, they did not inform me during my visit, and he tried to get me to do shit (upcharge) that fortunately I outright refused the entire time we spoke.

    When the bill came they tried to charge me out of network prices, and I basically fought them for six months saying that it was a surprise bill until they finally gave up. I don’t plan on ever going back to that office again in my life.

  • I suppose under a certain lens realism can be viewed as depressing. But when you remember we are all stardust, born from explosions, a rare occurrence in and of itself that resulted in our lives, one doesn’t need remembrance to feel special about themselves. That becomes somewhat trivial in the grand scheme of the universe.

    In fact it almost seems like a cry for help to want to be remembered, like as if you are so fearful of death that you’d waste the time you were given making others think you’re somehow better than the rest, when the truth is we are all more alike than we are different.

    Anywho, that’s just my perspective on things, cheers

  • You’re human. You’re not even the 1000th person I’ve spoken to on the internet, nor the 1st I’ve met in real life that have asked these questions.

    As Lauchs said, physical activity is the closest thing. Start with a hike to a mountaintop or swimming if you’re able to. If you aren’t able to do those types of things, perhaps try something less demanding such as table tennis or a jog through a park.

    If you continue to be curious about sex, and are open to the idea, consider paying for it. As long as you are safe and wear protection their is no shame in it despite the societal stigma. You might learn something about yourself, despite the lack of physical sensation.

  • Why does the article make it sound like cooling a data center results in constant water loss? Is this not a closed loop system?

    I’m imagining a giant reservoir heat sink that runs throughout a complex to pull heat out of the surrounding environment where some liquid evaporates and needs to be replenished. But first of all we have more efficient liquid coolants, and second that would be a very lazy solution.

    I wonder if they’ve considered geothermal for new data centers. You can run a geothermal loop in reverse and use the earth as a giant heat sink. It’s not water in the loop, it’s refrigerant, and it only needs to be replaced when you find the efficiency dropping, which can take decades.

  • If you read the manual for your microwave you’ll learn a lot about what it is capable of. My Panasonic microwave not only has a sensor cook mode for popcorn, but you can specify the weight of the bag and you can even add or subtract 10-30 seconds to dial it in prior to starting.

    I recommend microwaves that have inverters in them, as well as moisture sensors.

  • I know someone personally who can finish multiple thousand-page books in a single day, I’ve always been jealous. They are now a librarian, and I’ve asked them many of the same questions you’re asking.

    I recommend getting:

    • the Libby app (and several library cards)
    • a Kindle (or similar device)
    • purchase fresh paperbacks

    Figure out which format works best for you.

    For me, as I’ve gotten older I’ve found that audiobooks allow me to be the most productive, while consuming books. I still have books I will read on paperbacks, but they allow me to take risks on books I wouldn’t want to dedicate as much time and effort toward.