Yep good call. I’m usually on my phone where tapping the link and swiping to go back is the natural behavior. I can scroll up and close the browser instead but habits are hard to break.
Yep good call. I’m usually on my phone where tapping the link and swiping to go back is the natural behavior. I can scroll up and close the browser instead but habits are hard to break.
When did PC Gamer start hijacking the back button to show more ads? Infuriating.
We are all Estebiu alts.
You’re probably thinking of Simone Giertz and her “shitty robots”
What a weird thing to do! They can sue each other until the cows come home for all I care but dragging the community into it like this comes off as petty imo. Musky even.
We definitely have blackberries. We don’t really have blackcurrants though, may be thinking of that?
They’re significantly faster than boiling water on the stove here in the US too.
I have an electric kettle because I’m a tea drinker. Not gonna lie though, it did take a while before I realized I could just generally boil water in the thing. One day, looking directly at the kettle while I filled a pot with water, the dusty light bulb in my head finally lit up. 😅
Is there any time of day it’s not atrocious? Seems like any time would have basically equal risk for collateral casualties.
Then maybe it shouldn’t be done at all.
Also my collection of hobbies seems to match up well with the people who nuked their post history after the API-ocalypse. Even when I get good search results I click through and… so many deleted comments…
He sounds like shit and I assume that’s what’s going to stick, not the actual content of his words. Great. 🙄
Just until America ceases existing. Could be 1000 more years, could be next January. The future is full of possibilities!
using campaign funds to manage public relations problems seems a legitimate use
It is.
What he did was try to hide payments made to benefit his campaign. Would you consider illegally financing a campaign to be election interference?
You could have just admitted that you have no alternative. It’s okay to do that.
34 felony convictions so far.
“Strikes” made me think they were cancelling the deal. Like strike-through, crossed it out, etc. Too bad.
This is just one search result but it’s showing 326 million phones shipped in just Q4 of last year. How many of those new phones do you think shipped with headphone jacks?
There’s plenty of industry analysis out there that, while not perfect, is data showing that new phone sales have not been hampered by the removal of the headphone jack.
I’m rocking a Pixel 5a which does still have it and I do get a warm and fuzzy in my nerd brain by having it there. If I’m honest though, I used it maybe twice in the last year.
This is what I’m asking. What do the contents of the documents have to do with the case at hand? How do the contents of these classified documents absolve him of the charges for making false statements and obstruction of justice?
Yep this was the correct call by the judge. It should have been blindingly obvious that this would be the result of them starting their relationship. Yet they went ahead with it anyway and put the whole case at risk. Completely insane decision making on display here.
The Verge loved shitting on streaming services pushing paid subscriptions that still have ads. I wonder how critical they’ll be of that now…