Mountains exist.
Mountains exist.
A local BBS got internet service so I poked around with gopher and lynx. I remember it being slow, there was lots of waiting for things to load.
A phone with current hardware but without a camera notch in the screen. I absolutely hate the notch, it annoys me on a deep level that I can’t get over.
The vastness of time and space.
I think Diaspora by Greg Egan had a chapter with a crab planet, or maybe it was a crab universe. Its been a long time since I read it but I remember a scene where someone kind of turns themselves into a crab so they can talk to alien crabs about math and physics.
That might potentially work if you timed it exactly right but I’m skeptical of the idea of gold as a store of value, I think it will get hammered like every other asset class if we’re talking about the end of the US as a liberal democracy governed by the rule of law. Especially if you have actual physical gold you need to keep secured, if things get bad enough that becomes a real liability. If its not physical gold will it still be there without the US legal system to enforce your rights? I would much rather have a pile of freeze dried food than a pile of gold or a pile of GLD ETF shares if it’s actually a worse case scenario.
This is one of those valuable life lessons you hopefully only have to learn once. Trusting Samsung or your TV with internet access is never a good idea.
I work all day on the computer. Its been a long time since gaming took up the majority of my computer time.
I think the stagnation in graphics improvements, combined with the extreme costs of high end GPUs and the massive growth in the industry, is what changed the dynamic. Most gamers just don’t care about the high end like they used to and now its corporate BS that has a more direct impact on their gaming experience instead of better hardware.
Kagi has a fediverse lens that works pretty well for that.
I’m not sure yet. I’m waiting until my current sub is closer to renewal before I take any action, not counting the emails to the Proton Foundation expressing my disappointment.
It was completely shocking, I would expect him to be smart enough not to make statements like that but I guess it’s masks off now that their guy is in power.
It was discussed in real time across Lemmy with links to Mastodon and Reddit where the CEO and the official Proton account made various partisan statements that have destroyed Protons reputation. I didn’t save links but I’m sure you can dig them up easily enough.
The CEO of Proton recently came out as a right wing partisan who supports American neofascism. I would look elsewhere for email providers, Proton is not as trustworthy as they purport to be.
Manager. Ideally, you want your manager ready to fight HR to keep you before reminding HR of what they told you. Also, managers generally don’t like their people going to HR about things without already knowing the situation ahead of time. They don’t want to get a call from HR and be surprised, even if its something innocuous.
Its a course served at the end of a meal, typically sweet. If you’re eating outside of that context it’s a snack or a meal depending on how large it is and your specific eating schedule. I think she is probably right that its hers but also maybe wrong if she won’t share a small taste of it with you. Or I would feel wrong not letting my wife at least taste my dessert if she wanted some but I was unwilling to share.
I disagree that they aren’t as tech savvy as Millennials. I would say on average its younger GenX and older Millennials that have the highest tech skills, with GenX probably ahead. That’s referring to percentage, not total numbers.
Did you read his actual comments? He literally made propagandistic claims in support of Republicans and in opposition to Democrats. Or do you agree with him that Republicans are “for the little guy”? Its complete nonsense made up to promote the Republican party.
Not that I’ve seen but I think you should be able to use the allowlist to let it through.
I would just keep it vague but honest. Everyone knows someone with a shit family or has one themselves, and you don’t owe anyone details. People will pick up the situation without you having to get into it and anyone worth being in a relationship with isn’t going to care how shitty your family is except to be angry at them on your behalf.