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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • I hope people are OK with cis people being OK with themselves. I fully support trans people. I recently had a letter published in our local paper about how if trans people ever do act out, (this was in regard to a shooter who had identified as a trans person) it will be because of all the bigotry and hateful legislation driving them (and many others of us LGBTQ) to do something extreme.

    You get put down for being LGBTQ, and then you get put down for defending yourself whatever your gender or orientation. It’s a no-win situation.

  • That’s true also. And what’s weird is, I’m gay but I’ve known a couple guys who were cis and dressed up as females because, it felt empowering to them. And they were both straight in terms of their orientation, one had a girlfriend, the other guy was married.

    So it’s kind of strange to be a gay person who is friendly (which I am), people open up to me about all kinds of things and, it’s just assumed I will be OK with anything (because I’m gay? I guess) so, I’ve seen all kinds of things.

    For the most part I accept others no matter what, because we all need validation and we all need to feel that. But i do get push back when I post that I’m cis and happy to be cis, like that’s somehow unacceptable or disrespectful to others. It isn’t meant to be at all.

  • I’m a gay man who is happily embracing his cis-genderness but I would not shun trans people as the top figure in this graphic is doing. It seems like he’s totally averse to even thinking about the concept.

    Yet there’s a lot of hostility toward cis people being happy about being cis, though we are kind of expected to fully support trans people embracing being trans. And I do - I just want the same sort of respect for being happily cis-gendered. For me, my gayness is about embracing the masculine (in every sense) and loving being born male. I know that gender and sexuality are unique for everyone - so my philosophy is, whatever you wish to be, embrace it fully and love it.

  • Why hasn’t anyone shot that nazi Chaya Ratshit and her horrible kids to death, is what I’m wondering. What does it take to get people to see just how real and gruesome a threat she truly is to all people in this world. How much more do you people intend to take of shitheads like this, who kneel on your collective necks and call you vermin and “unchristian” for not being as sick and filthy as they are.

    We are all responsible for allowing such filth as her to continue. It’s up to us to make sure she does not. I only want to hear from others who are of the same mindset as myself about this.

  • How sad for us all on earth that a piece of walking excrement calling itself “trump” can even be allowed to walk among us, let alone run for a public office in this country. What a condemnation of all humans everywhere - what a total admission of the true filth we have all turned into.

    If there were a decent person still living on earth, trump would not be. That we all just sit here and watch this grotesque and ineffably horrifying tragedy unfold, is a sick indictment of all humanity indeed.

  • I hate to say it but your dad is an old school uneducated bigot. And has no right to talk to you about any of this. You cannot expect someone without morality to love you as you deserve to be loved.

    Sorry to be so blunt, but it must be stated out in the open. Nothing makes me angrier than parents thinking they have some god-given right to control their kids’ sexuality. Nothing is further from the truth.

    I live in Utah not by choice, but circumstance. And frankly, I feel bad for you having to live in Tennessee, another state I consider an open sewer of immoral bigotry.

    If it is true that “the Lord is coming,” all these so-called Christian haters should be the ones repenting. They are the ones who will burn in hell. Not us, my friend; I guarantee you that. It was never us who were in the wrong.

    Jesus if he were ever real would hate these so called christian filth mongers and their homophobia. And he would never allow them any access to salvation; they’ve already committed the most unforgivable sin of not loving their fellow man, the worst possible sin.

  • I saw it myself on televised cameras. There was nothing “alleged” about the disgusting and utterly degrading assault of America than happened on January 6th, conducted by the lowest forms of vermin on earth. I saw it myself - it did happen.

    And furthermore, any human being who casts a vote for an excremental piece of criminal vermin like trump should be considered dangerously ill and NEEDS to be stripped of their American citizenship and their voting privileges. Society cannot afford to have sick cretins running around loose. Lock them up, or at least build gas chambers to get rid of them all for good so we can move on from this horror.

  • I have to endure living in Utah with this filthy excremental cretin named Cox. He’s such a two-faced conservative bastard. He’s become much less human over time, and more the puppet of the evil right wing morons in our legislature. He recently declared diversity and equity to be “the worst forms of human evil,” and he himself signed into law a bill that prevents trans people from using bathrooms in public buildings.

    How despicable a person he is, what a sick piece of filth he is - the last so called “human” who should be telling people they need to feel “less bitterness and get along better.” He is as disingenuous as he is uneducated, and he fights against Biden every chance he gets. He is a complete piece of dogshit.