You just happened to stumble across the stupidest motherfucker alive. Probably alive. Those risky decisions don’t take themselves.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Turds gushing like a broken damn

    Uhh, I guess one could argue that it’s poetic? Like he knows he’s a piece of shit. He knows there are other pieces of shit. But he’s too stupid to know that there are probably admins in multiple time zones when you go to sleep, NLP-powered blacklists and other automod tools. (I’m assuming)

    wait did he set his username to specifically call you a slur?

    we are definitely not smoking the same strain

    probably not even smoking the same substance

    I don’t mean crack or bath salts or whatever

    I mean like, carbon monoxide, leaded gasoline and rare deliriants.

    Didn’t know I was talking to a mod, so wasn’t intending to ass-kiss. Uh let me say something to prove I’m not biased but not break the rules.

    Your 2nd favourite song probably isn’t all that great

  • Managed to confuse someone besides myself while high

    fuck yeah I think that could be an achievement

    business acumen or something idk I’m high as fuck

    tldr yeah was just being silly I know those aren’t dogs.

    While looking for an opossum meme on my phone, not finding it between all the Luigi Mangione memes, and taking one from Google images instead, I had an introspective thought. Apologies if the confusion thing came off as rude. I did not intend to insult you, I just intended on celebrating my silly.

    With high doses of cannabis, for me, it’s “think fun thoughts = feel good feelings”. Sorry if I made you feel bad feelings. You got a really cool instance name, if that could possibly lift the mood and undo emotional damage. Also, I’m not just saying that. It’s cyberpunk af which is sick as hell homie

    an image of an opossum, "I captioned one day I'll shut up. Not today though." By the way, sorry if this is bad etiquette for accessibility use, but could you let me know if I can provide any help as someone with some JavaScript programming experience. I promise to not be intentionally cognitively quagmired.

    (As caused by my mind-altering chemical intake)

    (That previous additional caption joke was a coincidence, I did not know what the caption was before writing the accessibility description)

  • And at a yacht club, I feel like anyone who does get it, is not going to be someone who can’t make a lifelong pacifist throw their first punch.

    Ah, C++! I prefer my engineers use GoogleScript at the company I bought out. I feel like Google is the safest bet. Like, one day Apple and Microsoft might stop updating C++, where now everything is Blockchain and AI based, Google will keep its market share and keep supporting g GoogleScript…

    (He bought a Java Enterprise Consulting company.)

  • In South Africa, where I live, everyone is assigned an ID Number at Birth. You need an ID number, thumbprint scan AND proof of address to get issued a SIM card number due to a law introduced called RICA. It was meant to help fight crime. Worried that the government could listen in to calls or read their SMSs, the criminals just switched to WhatsApp, which also happened to become cheaper than SMSs and gained popularity in this time.

    The cops never seemed to crack WhatsApp. The only drug busts that happen are when an open secret becomes laughably too open and when they harass every person arriving from South America at O.R. Tambo international airport just to catch the decoy mules carrying 12g of cocaine (total). Every dealer I ever organised with was over WhatsApp.

    So now, woopsi, RICA stopped nothing and just became a liability. That treasure trove of fragile data made its way to scammers and spammers. A total net negative.

    I’d encourage everyone else in other countries to apply major pushback to any government proposals in this direction.