Mind you that’s mostly non-liquid accounting of his stock and assets. Not that he’ll have to worry about what he spends, but it’s not cash in the bank billions.
What feeds do you watch? Anything stand out? Thanks for the tip on the app!
Anyone else use NewsBlur Apps or WebApp. They have a free and paid, which works well enough to aggregate the sites I need to get a diverse news collection in an RSS like format.
I still miss google reader and past times, but gotta adapt.
Has someone written this up as a how to? Same as you want to abandon, but still a few niches.
While empathize with the sentiment, if pay alone is figured, $174k for two households (one in DC, one in their district) plus flights and etc doesn’t allow for a huge amount of savings especially if you are in a high cost of living district.
Now do they nearly always find ways to supplement that pay in legal ways, yes. But the question is do we want them beholden to those supplement ways? Or do we want them clear thinking and loyal to the voters who put them there?
Factoring in the current year inital cost and MBTF, did you figure out an ROI on HDD vs Flash including Power and space?
Anyone know what launch method is intended if the Taurus was given to the Ukrainians? Can the F-16 they have launch them? Or are they considering a modified ground launch method (similar to the GL-SDB)?