A now adult woman that was only 17 years old when the incident in question happened.
Which is clearly stated in the article that you willfully missquoted.
A now adult woman that was only 17 years old when the incident in question happened.
Which is clearly stated in the article that you willfully missquoted.
I don’t think that applies here.
The democrats oppose this spy tool because it is badly regulated and prone to abuse.
The Trump loyalists oppose this spy tool because it may expose some of Trumps crimes and treason.
I mean I guess.
But I always liked the idea of reclaiming stuff from the assholes.
So if people think this template is nice to make memes with, I always enjoyed taking it away from Crowder without giving him the power to stop anyone from using it.
In my eyes he doesn’t own this meme, but I can see your point.
Steven Crowder is a well known asshole with an internet presence that he uses to sow misogyny and other forms of hate.
I don’t want to see his face in memes.
That asshole shouldn’t have a meme, cmm.
Just use Calvin.
Little Bobby Tables is my favorite XKCD strip of all time, and I don’t even actively work with databases.
Obama was not a great president unless you mean only by comparison to his recent peers.
With what the fuck else do you want to compare him (or anything really) if not with recent peers?
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That makes it wrong how?
Problem is, he never was a fat billionaire asshole.
He was a fat millionaire asshole pretending to be a billionaire (if even that, considering his debt).
Which is especially counter to his claims to be a good businessman considering he would have easily become a billionaire if he just invested his heritage in something like S&P 500 instead of playing mogul.
I mean he defrauded rich people.
Off course he gets the book.
Who does he think bribery laws bind if not legislators?
Man how nice ranked choice would be, or even better a system like France’s or Germany’s.
Why is that even a question?
Russian elections are a joke even when held in russia, why would they matter to anyone when held in Ukraine?
Not that I disagree with you.
But even as a staunch Euro leftist, I think it is okay that there are people I strongly disagree with, even strongly dislike because I think the fight for values that are against my personal morality.
Both Romney and Cheney are such people.
I don’t think they should have political power over other people.
But they share at least a certain common ground with me that the fascists don’t.
And for how little I actually like those people, I still value this very difference.
Damn straight.
This woman knows what she is talking about.
They are absolutely willing to use either one single if the other isn’t available.
And taking russian money pretty much becomes a stick in and of itself.
As the prodigy once said.
Invaders must die.
As I say.
Collaborateurs will get what they have coming.
Doctors have a duty to help wounded defenders, policemen have a duty to protect citizens from invaders, teachers must not teach invaders propaganda, townhall workers must not support the logistics and infrastructure of the invader.
If you do you are a traitor and should be punished.
If you are an invader, you must die.
Und wenn du mir auf der Straße über den Weg läufst und deine Lügen und Propaganda verbreitest, wirst du sehen wie ernst ich das meine.
You essentially argue that the brutal invader has to win his illegal invasion during which they bomb and kill countless civilians, because otherwise other civilians that support the illegal and brutal invasion might suffer some consequences?
You can’t be for real, noone could argue this in good faith.
That is waaaaaay too cohesive of a text.
Trump would never stay on one point for that long.
He used to purposefully change topics frequently to keep on bullshitting when he was less demented and now he just isn’t able to focus for long enough to talk about one topic for that long.