This is the answer.
Fan-made trailers of existing media can be really interesting, especially when they put a very different take on the presentation.
Example: Star Trek the Motion Picture in a more modern style makes that movie seem amazing.
This is the answer.
Fan-made trailers of existing media can be really interesting, especially when they put a very different take on the presentation.
Example: Star Trek the Motion Picture in a more modern style makes that movie seem amazing.
That, and a practical process of elimination.
Balance always looks good, in all things, so it’s desirable to have one hand on the left and one on the right, in a mirror of each other.
You don’t want to obscure the 9 or 3 positions because that’s where important elements like the day and date display will occupy.
You also don’t want to get too close to the 12 position because that would cover up the maker’s logo.
Wjth those constraints in mind, it’s a choice between like 10:10 or 8:20. Of the two, 8:20 points downwards and looks ‘sad’ and ‘droopy’ whereas 10:10 is upward and positive, and also acts like a frame to give the maker’s logo even more attention.
So 10:10 it is.
Games getting bigger and bigger in gigabytes, but still hampered by slow optical disks and slow hard drives. It was good tat the time, but I have more fondness for the cartridges which came before, whose immediacy felt like magic.
Burning DVDs was really a thing there for a hot minute. I remember buying them in big spindles of 50 at a time, and burning at least two or three a week.
Back then I already had my first ever USB flash drive, but they were still very expensive and small - 128MB was great for some documents, but no good for large files. And my PC’s hard drive was still only about 120GB or something.
DVDs were in their element. 4.7GBs of storage, and super cheap. I was using them to back up data and clear apace on my hard drive, and I was loading them up with content for friends, where I could just take a disc over their house and leave it there for them.
Then flash drives got bigger, and hard drives got bigger too, and that sweet spot the DVD occupied got squashed from both sides until poof, in just a few short years the age of the DVD was over.
Spent my childhood merrily taping things off the TV, and thought it was the best thing ever. i love those nostalgic whirring and clicking sounds as the tape loads.
But digital media is just the best, and tapes can stay in the past where they belong.
This can sometimes be because the lyrics of a song have different licencing considerations to the song itself, and they are legally not entitled to put the lyrics as subtitles.
No such problems for fansub groups! :)
Haha yeah. People are so accustomed to short TLDs that ‘’ just intuitively feels kinda wrong, and it still feels that way to me, even as a tech person who knows it is perfectly valid.
You’re thinking like “smith dot technology dot what?”
Another reason is brand identity.
Using ‘.tech’ or ‘.flights’ or .sports’ for your site feels too “on the nose” and gives vibes of like browsing some directory where things are categorised and sorted. Even worse it implies there are other sites under the same category, and those other sites may be competitors, and this dilutes strength of brand.
lt also suggests strongly what the business does, and while that might seem desirable at first it actually isn’t from a corporate perspective because it means the company becomes tied to their business area and can’t expand and grow out of it into other things.
I think this is a major part of why descriptive TLDs continue to be less preferred over ‘meaningless’ two letter TLDs, because companies want the focus to be on the main part of the domain, not the TLD.
Japan is like this too, and I loved to see that when I was living there.
The bus drivers often wear nice uniforms and white gloves, and clearly take a lot of care in their appearance and work. And people give them respect.
I wish it was like that everywhere, because being able to have pride in what you do and be respected for it is such an important thing that everyone deserves to have - regardless of what your job is.
I feel trypophobia quite strongly with some triggers, even things like budding plants pushing through the ground can make my akin crawl. But for some reason crumpets are okay.
I guess my brain just sees the crumpet texture as being like a macro bread texture, which is okay because it’s kinda bready.
There are some ways in which the newer shows like Discovery are realistic, but there are also ways in which they are stupid.
For example, two federation officers in a life or death situation where they have two minutes to solve an urgent crisis, and they decide to spend 60 seconds of that having an emotional heart-to-heart.
If that was in TNG, they’d have got the job done like professionals, and then had the friends chat later in ten forward. Because that’s how people with jobs get their jobs done.
TNG era was quite cheesy in some ways, but it kept characters real in that they always acted appropriately for their role and position, not just like a bunch of emotional oddballs who get to be in charge of a spaceship for some reason.
One thing that works is finding ways to make achieving small tasks part of your routine. I have a to-do list and in my lunch break at work I often pick off one or two things and decide okay, that’s what I’ll do when I get home. And so that way the selecting of the tasks and the doing of the tasks are things that have their own specific times and the decision is already made.
What also works is to create some external motivation.
I might not feel like cleaning the house, for example, but if I have friends coming over then I’ll enthusiastically clean everything because I want it to be nice for them.
And so sometimes I intentionally weaponise that by inviting a friend over just to give myself that extrinsic motivation.
Not what you had in mind when you said ‘fake’, but how about an AI-generated mushroom identification book that landed people in hospital for eating poisonous stuff the book said was safe
This is it for me too. I’m not going to allow companies to monetise me or my data any more than the absolute minimum I have to.
One thing I they hard on is making sure that I never have to see a single advert in my own home. I don’t have TV, I don’t watch any streaming services if they have ads, and I adblock everything. I don’t care how good a product is, how cheap or free, if it has advertisements I’m out.
To me it’s about having sufficient self-respect to not let companies live in my head rent-free.
Thanks. I’ve been keeping my eye on colour ereaders, and the tech has improved so rapidly in the last couple of years I do wonder if I just hang on for another year then the colour reproduction could be even better.
Can’t wait forever of course, that defeats the whole purpose, but it might pay to wait just a little.
I’ve had two kindles so far, but my next e-reader won’t be from Amazon.
I’m trying to move my tech life away from closed ecosystems as much as possible, So I’ll probably go for a kobo or boox.
For me the dream would be a really large colour ereader around 10 inches, where you can view even the densest manga or comics comfortably without zooming or scrolling. I think that’s what I’m holding out for.
People should do whatever the hell they like.
There’s no harm in trying out a lot of different distros for the fun of it if that’s what you find entertaining, and it’s educational to see the state of what’s out there.
Not needing to stay locked to a specific distro is part of why Linux is great, and very unlike Mac or Windows.
If you like being loyal then be loyal, that’s a fine choice too, and freedom of choice is what this is all about.
UK here and they are turned on.
Thanks a lot, Brexit :(
The answer is very much “Don’t run Photoshop”
(Fuck Adobe. There, I said it)
Adding on to this comment, it is very often not possible to change your auth method.
If you use email to register, you can almost always change to a different email (same method) but you can’t change between methods, like from Google auth to Apple auth, or even to a different google auth.
You’d need to create a new account, and therefore lose all the data on your old account.
Always choosing email gives you the most control and most privacy, I’d strongly recommend it.