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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Look, the humanitarian situation in Gaza is indisputably horrible and it’s absolutely the fault of Israel’s government. It may very well be genocide. International investigations will show.
    Right now, it’s a war zone and it’s very hard to gather reliable evidence. That’s why I put it in quotes.

    Not voting for Biden on this single issue is insane. It directly benefits Trump who, other than Biden, won’t try to ease the situation. He will actively make the conflict worse. He’ll also do his best to dismantle what is left of US democracy and worsen the lives of millions of people.

    Fight for a better voting system. Protest against Biden’s foreign policy. But please don’t throw away your vote and give the world another term of Trump.

  • I’m just going to drop this here.

    Transportation is such a small factor in food production is pretty much negligible. Meat always loses vs plants regarding climate impact.

    Fine, but because we cannot agree to call things with its proper name ?

    Yes, that’s all I’m saying. Bacon is Bacon, vegan bacon is vegan bacon.

    True, so I suppose that I can come up with some kind of “beyond cabbage” made from animal products and call it cabbage, right ? After all people just need to do is read the label…

    If your meat cabbage abomination is labeled correctly and not sold in the vegetable section of the supermarket, sure, go for it. I doubt it would be a successful product, but go for it.

  • I don’t understand why you seem to be so angry about it. I won’t buy “real” bacon because it’s terrible for both climate and pigs.
    Nobody is mislabeling food. Vegan bacon is the perfect term for a vegan bacon substitute and nobody ever bought something labeled “vegan bacon” and was then disappointed that it didn’t contain meat. It’s not like manufacturers try to deceive people. The stuff is clearly labeled as vegan and it’s usually even sold from a different shelf.

  • I would like to buy something called bacon because I like bacon? You can like meat and still be vegan. Most vegans are vegan because of animal cruelty and climate impact, not because they hate meat. I can only speak for my country, but here such products are all on the same shelf and are clearly labeled as vegetarian/vegan. It makes sense to call it vegan bacon or vegan steak because it clearly imitates the meat product and I don’t want to have to decipher what it’s supposed to be first.