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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • I’d rather focus on the negative. Take away what these bastards value most, their legacy. A bad person who does a few good things is still a bad person and should be remembered as a bad person. If future presidents see them getting dragged through the mud instead of lauded because MUH FREE MONEY maybe they’d think twice about being dickbags.

    who are all shitty overall to lesser degrees at best.

    Lesser degrees? Really? Lesser than putting Americans in concentration camps? Yeah, some were worse, but FDR isn’t anywhere near the top of the ‘good guy’ scale. At best he’s somewhere in the middle.

  • This country operated without an income tax for 135 years and you’re citing a 5 year period in a single state? Talk about cherry picking.

    Taxes are necessary, fine. Cheerleading them is stupid. You’re not a hero for paying taxes, you’re doing the bare minimum to stay out of jail. And considering how they’re spent, you’re kind of a villain.

    If you dont like how your taxes are being spent. Vote in better people.

    Oh, it’s my fault the feds reguarly use my money to kill people, ok. Guess I should have voted harder.

    Hey, if this is one single person’s responsibility, why haven’t you fixed it?

    Nobody cares about local elections

    My local taxes are rarely spent on bombs, drones, missiles, or genocides.