The future’s so… ugh:
Hi there! I’m just a guy looking for a place to be and stuff.
The future’s so… ugh:
“Please count to 10.”
“… um, I’ve run out of fingers.”
cries in broadcom wireless card not supported
I can’t remember which model it was, but wasn’t there a MacBook Pro that had 4 USB-C ports, only two of which supported Thunderbolt? Want to connect your monitor to the right side of the machine? Well… tough shit, I guess.
It’s interesting that Dave mentioned education as a possible market for these. I thought kids were learning Javascript on their school-issued Chromebooks these days. It would be nice to teach students about the concepts of computer hardware architecture… but the Commander’s architecture is kinda weird, being a hodgepodge of ancient (6502) and modern (FPGA), with bank-switched memory and the desire for backwards compatibility with Commodore peripherals hanging off of it like a lamprey. Sure, students could learn about computer architecture on it, but it’s hard to see how it’s better than other, cheaper options. Big money awaits if they can pull it off though.
There was a time when people thought legally mandated interoperability could become the law of the land. That dream is probably dead, but if there’s ever a chance to push it through, it would be worth doing. It’d be a complex piece of legislation to be sure and would probably need to go through a number of iterations to get it right, but it would be a start.