Sorry, book broke

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • But they are now, they exist currently. The fuck are you talking about. If we became an ancap society they wouldn’t magically disapear. What, you think that any ancap would ask for these companies to disolve before they’re society started? To go back to square one? Nah, that’s not what the guy pictured or any popular ancap has suggested. That’s not randian, that’s some fantasy. Rands suggested solution necesitates the lalrger corporations gaining control. To be allowed to freely operate. Name me one ancap thought leader who suggests a mass reset and that in no world a large corp could form.

    Also, even if ancap sociaty started from scratch eventually a company would gain power over an industry. With nothing to stop them, the biggest companies would inevitably grow bigger. That’s capitalism, the need to grow is constant and one cannot stagnate. Not neccessarally a bad thing but with no guide rails it logically means monopoly. No, a lack of copyright law wouldn’t stop any company from growing to a size where they could kill competition.

    When there’s a new industry too, they’ll be the ones to pioneer it. What, do you think Microsoft came fully formed from bill gates forehead? No, the current companies at the time would have taken gates designs and copies them. They, with their distribution networks, would easily outcompete. What if bill made a better product? Well, no copyright, it’s now theirs.

  • Nah, that just means they can take whatever they want from others too. Now they own all the smaller projects as well, and any changes they make to linux don’t have to be shared. Linux is now winix, and they’ve paid the computer companies to nolonger allow linux to be installed at all via hardware. What, that’s anti-competative? Yeah, who’s gonna stop them? You? You don’t have the resources.

    What, could you make a windows clone? Could you then out-compete the multi-billion dollar company in the market? What PC would allow you to install your windows clone? Also, Microsoft now owns the land you live on. You must leave, they are the owners of that land and thus make the rules. Want to fight back? too bad, they own the private police force too. Policing is an industry, and currently the government has a monopoly over it. Without regulations they’re now a free org who takes the highest bid. You don’t have enough money to live while copying Microsoft Windows. Nobody does.

    What? Another company will use they’re resources to compete with windows? Why would they win? Microsoft has more resources, will buy more output, will pay more companies for exclusivity, and can have them put a system in to brick the PC if you try not using windows. Sure, they may be able to get a small industry set up, but none of what they make will inter-operate with windows and now this small fraction of PC users is isolated. Why would anyone switch?

    No, anarcho capitalism won’t stop Microsoft’s existence because of copyright. Copyright in many ways protects smaller orgs more, and with no other regulations stopping the big orgs from stomping out the small orgs it won’t matter. The only possible fight would be between the titans and when one titan wins, that’s no more helpful to the small people.

  • The issue is that this data can be used to fingerprint or de-anonomize users. Even if it’s just a big list of statistics, knowing how likely or unlikely a system change, setting change, version, etc. is can help greatly with a person looking to pin down users. They’ll know how likely a person with a specific pattern is the same person.

    I’m glad it’s not distributed. If it was, I’d slide it all the way back to 0. Good intentions from the collectors doesn’t stop bad intentions of consumers

  • Wayland is a display protocall. What does that mean? Well, it describes how a program on linux tha displays graphics to a user should work. Examples of programs which do this include kwin, mutter, and sway. It’s why you see stuff on your monitor and why when you open an app, it’s in a window, which can be moved.

    All that along with a good amount of supplementary tools, makes up wayland.

    Currently we are transitioning from a 40 year old protocal called X11 which has many issues and few people willing to work on. Wayland offers a codebase without the spaghetti, more security, easier feature development, and to a point backwards compatibility.

  • Trust me my friend, a person can make a c program that’s much, much slower than one in python. That’s a meaningless point.

    Sure, c allows for more control and thus the possibility for a quicker program but that’s just it, a possibility.

    Zipper, though written in c++, can only download one thing at a time. This is why it’s so slow

  • Hello [XMunk], we’d like to thank you for your time here at this company and we understand this may come as a surprise but due to the current corporate ‘right sizing’ the company is undertaking we are sad to inform you of the cessation of your responsibilities. We wish you the best in your future endeavours and hope in the future you may rejoin our family. Due to internal performance reviews we understand that you are not eligable for severance benefits, but if you sign the attached forms we will be happy to help you out in receiving your Vacation pay.

    Our best, BookBrokeCorp

  • sorrybookbroke@sh.itjust.workstoTechnology@lemmy.worldBeyond Discord
    3 months ago

    Discord and matric are room based chat services. You join a room and there’s a chat around some subject going on which you can participate in. I use it for my DND group to discuss upcoming games and our general lives. Some larger communities form on these apps. Say, game emulation, people who talk about a video game, college members and alumni, people in a city, weed in a country, youtubers, etc.

    This seems to be a bridge that copies messages from discord and sends them to matrix, or copies messages from matrix and sends them to discord. Allowing users from one service to talk to the other. The intent is to slowly bring members of a larger discord community over to the matrix server.