Fedora requiers them all the time. Sometimes there is a driver update in there.
Fedora requiers them all the time. Sometimes there is a driver update in there.
Yes, because if it didn’t happen in the season, it would make it an out-of-season depression.
Holy hell. Things went from pretty aweful to horendous. I regret having the abilty to read :-/
As long as he doesn’t touch my blinker fluid, all is well.
There are a few video on YT from reputable creators highlighting malpratices Apple does on a yearly basis to rip you off in every way imaginable. Louis Rossmann and Hugh Jeffreys have done some “compilation” videos on that topic. To point you to a quick one, search for “Astonishing Anti Repair Pratcices by Apple in the last 15 years” by Hugh. If you value yourself, don’t buy Apple products.
Some stupid meme about a girl who told in a street interview that men like to get sloppy blowjobs
An honest question - why would he want Europe? The assumptions for why he attacked Ukraine were because of some huge natural gas reserves that were discovered and because the pipeline from Russia to Europe goes thru Ukraine and they are forced to pay transit fees or something like that. The rest of Europe is all Nato and they can legaly attack them from all sides. Wouldn’t the decision to open a new front be like the most retarded thing to do?
What code? I am on Fedora+Forefox and it does happen all tge time :-/