Bring it on then, who gives a fuck at this point.
Will “it would’ve been way cheaper if they hadn’t ignored every single wake-up call in the last 10 years and started investing in defense earlier but it still needs to get fucking done and FAST or there won’t be a democracy with polls anymore and your precious money is taken by Russian occupiers” be an option in that poll?
I mean, yes they’re not entirely wrong. On the other hand, at this point it doesn’t really matter anymore. No one’s buying that shit even at current prices, increasing prices with tariffs can’t really make that any worse IMO.
Relevant research that just won an ig nobel prize.
tl;dr: they don’t live longer, they just don’t report their dead relatives and pocket the pensions.
So, RFK is literally Jesus for preaching God’s will that kids must die from measles? 🤔