You definitely lose access to your “free” games if you don’t have PS+ anymore.
You definitely lose access to your “free” games if you don’t have PS+ anymore.
700 is insane. I guess I’ll wait for the PC release of Wolverine instead of playing it on the base PS5 then. Sony really shit the bed this cycle.
How is it illegal? And how much did it cost him to make it work I wonder.
They have to be somewhere.
Not even remotely close to being locked inside a box.
There aren’t debtors prisons to begin with. You don’t go to jail for owing on credit card bills.
I have a feeling I’ll be converted before long hanging around lemmy.
We got rally points set up? These jackasses are gonna try to turn us into slaves so they can survive the climate inferno.
Where we marching?
This gonna be the first time you have to choose between the lesser of two evils?
I’d hate to be a truck driver taking waste out to the river and running into a 100 wildly angry locals.
Yea I live here dude no reason to insult me.
South Florida is turning into New Atlantis and this fucking idiot is complaining about weed. I hope he gets hit by a meteor.
You’re free to parent your own children however you like.
Aw this is great. I hope his burger grease laden heart explodes in his chest from the stress.
It’s genocide dickhead. Can’t believe I still have to vote for this mother fucker.
That movie will be 30 next year. I’m old with you buddy.
Want to point out I’m 41 and in the same boat. I can only imagine I’m not an extreme outlier either.
Sounds like a lot more PC converts in the making.