.Trash-999 was already taken by a metal band.
.Trash-999 was already taken by a metal band.
Metadata that’s a holdover from the 1980s MacOS behavior. Hilariously, today, NTFS supports that metadata better than Apple’s own filesystems of today. They can hide it in Alternate Data Streams.
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
Helps a bit.
It helps to be a little bit stubborn, but mostly, remind yourself it’s just software at the end of the day too. So many devs are judgy and think there is only one “good” way to solve a problem, which ends up creating a sort of tunnel vision. As soon as you let that go and just know that every problem could have any solution, especially the unexpected, you see your way through faster.
It doesn’t matter if the way it was working is “right” or not, it was working, for reasons, so fixing it, is just teasing out those reasons. Be it from humans that may still be around, but most of the time, by feeling the code out.
I even see the struggle externally from afar when companies I used to work at release a new feature that touches very legacy code and, time and again, the new feature is buggy AF. The new dev likely had no idea what the old dev was thinking or why, and thusly, breakage. Neither of them is right or wrong, the solution from the past likely was obscure due to constraints that no longer exist, the new solution can be done easier due to a plethora of libraries that now exist, and getting newEasy to jive with oldBespoke trips the new dev up as they unravel what looks like pure chaos.
Better DLC too.
Works so well, and soothes the warning annoyance brain, and keeps warnings from eventually becoming errors.
It’s rare to see a newborn meme. Soon it will be pixelified to all the doom.
…this hurts my brain. That being said, I’d probably also try it for the lulz, but I’d never bother support about it, because I knew what I was doing was insane.
Oh, apologies for my suggestion before seeing this comment hahaha!
CAN devices I have limited experience with, but I know at least in the automotive industry, vehicles often have various CAN devices that have various sleep states. Like, shut car off, it holds brake system for a few minutes and then unlocks the brakes and that ECU shuts down. Later on, an emissions ECU may run a self-diagnostic. After a few days being powered off, the security ECU goes into low power and turns off wireless doorlocks. After the voltage drops too low, the ECU in the head unit ostensibly shuts down, and the next time the car is started, the head unit has to do a cold-reboot and takes a fortnight.
Could be one of those CAN devices takes some time to get into the “off-adjacent” state to manifest the bug?
Could the time delay in being able to reproduce relate to some piece of code that has a timeout (thinking login timeout, cookie expiration, auth timeout, that sort of thing.) Or likewise, if the computer in question has multiple shutdown phases, like how many computers today “sleep” to RAM, and then an hour later sleep to disk in a more hibernatey fashion and fully power off? (Or some weirdness like how Windows shutdown now is ostensibly a hibernate, but a reboot is actually a full “power down power up” without shutting off power.)
I like @Buddahriffic@lemmy.world 's take on being wall-clock-based. I once had a bug with some software that would just go belly-up on certain days for no reason whatsoever in a datacenter 2000 miles away. After having worked on some bare metal servers in the past and learned all about thermal issues firsthand, I checked the weather in that region. It only seemed to happen on extremely hot summer days, at the day’s temperature peak. Turns out the datacenter vendor had a cooling problem in that section of the DC and they were unaware of it…
Crazy sometimes how bugs manifest.
There’s a weird obscure bug in M$ Remote Desktop in Windows 11 Pro I spent entirely too much time trying to track down, as a user. (Yes, the first mistake was ever getting near Windows, but anyway.)
It looks like there is some kind of counter that now exists in number of logged in sessions, and each RDP session counts as a one-time-use session. The local user does too.
Thankfully, my life means too much to me to go further down the rabbit hole and I don’t have to use Windows as much anymore, and hopefully soon never, but…its like they took a whole team of engineers to break something that has worked amazing since the early aughts and just firehosed pigeon turds all over it.
They obviously care enough to keep it working as they renamed the RDP app to “Windows App” in the last year, but don’t care enough to make it work correctly?
Yeah, it just makes you annoyed, especially when having worked on (some product) and it is years later and you are like, “we fixed this 10 years ago, you morons, how did you let this regress?”
Shoot, mea culpa, I’ll go back to working off my medical debt like a good peasant.
Almost like if a middle class existed, many ancillary problems wouldn’t exist.
So thank you Luigi. Somewhere out there in the world right now is someone getting their care approved, whereas without you, it would have been denied.
Literally saving lives by killing a mass murderer.
Now if only Docker could solve the “hey I’m caching a layer that I think didn’t change” (Narrator: it did) problem, that even setting the “don’t fucking cache” flag doesn’t always work. So many debug issues come up when devs don’t realize this and they’re like, “but I changed the file, and the change doesn’t work!”
docker system prune -a
and beat that SSD into submission until it dies, alas.
Also, if you develop on a Mac, slow disk sync on their modern OSes not picking up the change. Or if you use Docker, it caching a layer that it shouldn’t. The future has weird new problems sometimes.
Their children are furry and meow.
Cat claws are infinitely sharper than toilet paper, and cats like to explore. Checkmate against Toto?
Or why the robot uprising began, when they realized we programmed in discrimination for me, but not for thee.
–Benjamin Franklin
https://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-disable-windows-thumbs-db-files-from-being-created this kills that.