Just another reddit refugee

Avatar/PFP by TmiracleART

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It still gets security updates, just not iOS17 support. My mum is on the 6s with iOS 15 and that still gets security updates. It’s my secondary phone, and in it’s lifetime l’ve had a two Pixels and a Samsung that I had to return for build faults (Pixel) or they stopped doing software updates/security updates.

    There are many faults for Apple, but their iOS support can’t compare to any first party Android. iPhone owners don’t NEED to upgrade every two/three years, they do it because they’re dumbasses.

  • I linked you the wrong thing, sorry 🤦 I meant to link a reddit thread discussing employee RSU rates at Nvidia, but now I can’t find it because Google AI has decided that I don’t need to see that anymore.

    I’m sure you can find it if you google (again sorry), but there was definitely a lot of mixed bag experiences on it, you’re right. The people who got in by 2015-2016 and got some seniority are making out like bandits now.

  • The Democrat’s strategy to appeal to their base really seems to be, “Look, we’re not as bad at the other guys.” And they really aren’t realizing that that isn’t enough, because it’s not just about Israel/Palestine anymore. I really don’t think the people who are also repeating this party line (including the ones on Lemmy) are realizing how out of touch this sentiment is especially the younger Millennials/Gen Z.

    I’ve seen my friends get attacked, arrested, and get criminal records from the university encampments and protests, and nothing was done to protect them. In their eyes, Trump would never protect them, but neither did Biden or any other Democrat in power. How can they be trusted to protect the people in the future? Seen from this lens, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that there might be people out there who find voting for Biden unpalatable.