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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Just did a rewatch with daughter. She wanted to watch after seeing the musical episode. Still stands up in my opinion even though we know Joss and some of the cast weren’t perfect.

    The Season 6 rapey tech bros were still a very hard watch and skipped an episode or two in that season but hard not to see it as a bit prescient - it was before Gamergate and the right wing radicalisation of young men online. Should have paid more attention. It went a bit over my head first time.

    Working through Angel now. Will see how that holds up. Has been a long time between watches. I kind of started House again though so …

    Wife can watch unlimited Supernatural and I think she might hold a record for rewatches of Voyager.

    Ensemble comedies like UK Ghosts and Community seem popular for rewatching with family. I think that is probably a general theme along with animations. Less serious shows tend to do better I think. Psych and Monk are probably more likely to get a rewatch than a serious procedural.

  • This is true. Its all magic to most people and they don’t think much deeper.

    When I say people are stupid I don’t mean it in some elitist IQ sense like I am smarter because I am not. I mean we are all flawed creatures who are generally exploitable.

    It takes discipline and awareness of manipulation to take corrective action. This platform probably isn’t healthy to be on for large amounts of time either. We need real human relationships as well.

  • Australia doesn’t give a shit about trade with the US. They are less than 5% of our exports. They are the ones that lose in a trade war.

    We care about trade with China and when China got petty and Trumpish we handled it fine by diversifying markets until they got over their hissy fit and returned to their senses.

    Often the US is an aggressive competitor in our export markets and if they score some own goals in trade wars our exporters will take the advantage just like they do to us whenever they can.

    The real problem is what this idiocy does to the global economy as that impacts everyone.

  • shirro@aussie.zonetoMemes@lemmy.mlCure for Fascism
    18 days ago

    Even with growing disparity between the ultra wealthy and regular people most people in developed countries still score very highly for human development with a lot of freedoms, access to health, education and live reasonably prosperous lives by historical standards.

    Its been a long time since most of us saw widespread famine or war or plagues decimating our populations. There is good reason to demand more social and economic progress which you would think would increase the appeal of that and not the politics of self destruction. There is no sane reason to burn it all down for most people.

    Yet fascism still seems to be in a massive resurgence. Something really odd is happening. There is a huge information war that has seriously undermined society. It has taken over many religious groups, outsider groups like conspiracy believers and alt health, and conservative leaning parties. It is in online gaming and image boards and normie social media. It preys on socially immature young men, appealing to their insecurities. It preys on people looking for spiritual connections and community. Seeing peace and love hippies standing side by side with Christians and full on Nazis is fucking weird but I saw it during COVID.

    The fascists were always there but they were not a political force and there is no reason they should ever be again. Not sure why it is happening or why we are letting it happen. It is certainly not in our interests. It always ends badly.

  • Not excusing Chinese companies but everyone does the same shit. I bet a lot of US companies that behave the same or worse will be looking for trade barriers to protect their business so their interests will be stoking fear of Chinese competitors. I don’t really give a shit which country is doing it, I am not buying what they are selling.

    US companies have a stranglehold on government, education and business and are getting access to my families data despite my personal objections. Far more concerned about that than a Chinese service I have no intention of using.

    Deepseek can at least be self hosted if you want AI in your life. I can happily live without it.

  • They do it because they can. They are squeezing every last drop out of their customers. Clueless people with roo much money won’t cancel. People who want to keep the product but are feeling the squeeze will go ad supported.

    The rest were probably going to leave at any price as there is a lot more competition now and Netflix has adapted very poorly.

    People either hop between services or go sailing wearing an eye patch or increasingly just so something else.

    I think a lot of viewing time has been lost to social media, gaming and other alternatives. Don’t know if most people these days have the attention span for day long binges with their phones going off every few minutes and the FOMO. I can handle sitting in a room watching a movie with someone with them looking at their phone for half of it

  • That was obvious.

    Option 1: a nation of predominantly anti-intellectual xenophobes organically discover a foreign language community and embrace it or option 2: a bunch of influencers from an existing platform are recruited to promote a competitor to a bunch of addicts looking for another fix. Social and mainstream media universally promoted the incorrect narrative.

    I wish US citizens didn’t look so much to authoritarian states like Russia and China when they have old friends who they worked and faught alongside for years. These friends have been happily enjoying the benefits of social democracy despite an onslaught of anti-democratic propaganda, much of it from US citizens and their media.

    Which brings me to the other narrative that pisses me off. That Chinese media are a national security threat but Meta and X are not. Lets be real. It is all the same shit. Any organized effort to manipulate mass opinion: politics disguised as religion, social media, conspiracy theories, cults etc have the potential to derail rational political debate, elevate populists and hand the keys to a generalissimo and it always leads to mass graves. Left or right doesn’t change the outcome which is shit. We all have to take some responsibility to fight back against this influence. Engage with people who are sucked into this shit and encourage them to disconnect.

  • I was a huge SpaceX fan from the early days so watched a lot of Musks presentations and interviews and noticed a lot of repetition and always felt he was strongly working from talking points combined with a reasonably good high level understanding of the topic.

    He didn’t work as well off script and seemed to have stunted emotional development, not unlike a lot of internet age manboys raised on memes, video games and porn. It is difficult to reconcile his behaviour with an adult, father and manager of people and money. I suspect he has some seriously competent peiple around him like Shotwell who cover for his fuck ups.

    IMO he probably is the kind of guy who can soak up stuff around him, turn it into a set of talking points and repeat it with the appearance of expertise. I think he may have had some cognitive decline due to age and lifestyle but I think he was a pretty competent bullshit artist in the past.

    I am not an expert at anything but like many IT people discovered long ago that I can pick up most things in my general field with a bit of research. It is a dangerous mindset sometimes. There really is the feeling that with some basic undergrad math and comp sci and a weekend of googling you can understand quantum field theory and it’s totally delusional of course.

    Unfortunately the fake it to you make it culture seems to have won. It doesn’t matter how crap you are, if you put yourself out there with confidence you will outcompete the quiet competent types. And when you get caught out there never seem to be consequences.

  • Digital licence is all I have used for about 7 years. Police here are careful never to reach for a phone as they can’t legally. You display the licence and give it a shake to animate it and they copy the number down in their notebook. If the police ever did illegally take a phone I would wipe it and replace it and lodge a complaint.

    They may have similar protections in Europe. People often post opinions on social media without checking facts. I get why on commercial social media where everything is rage bait. But i don’t know why people can’t take a few minutes to check local laws before posting here.

  • Not sold on declarative systems in all domains. It often creates unnecessary complexity for little advantage.

    Immutable root has huge benefits in large deployments for consumers, enterprise or servers. Really great for Chromebooks and consoles. Probably would benefit the majority of Windows installations, certainly in enterprise. I do not like the idea of critical systems being updated with random shit becoming standard practice as in WIndows/Clownstrike land. Those guys have normalised insanity to the point they think we are the crazy ones.

    However I like to mutate my desktop and development systems. I use linux because I like the freedom to tinker and that includes the freedom to mess stuff up. In practice having root writable only by a privileged user, a signed software distribution and knowing what I am doing mostly keeps me out of trouble. On the very rare occasions I find myself without a bootable system (it has happened to me more than once in 30 years) I know how to recover and it doesn’t stress me.