Swear next he’s gonna review hentai games
Swear next he’s gonna review hentai games
Ye but Jesus had God and the holy Spirit.
God has left us
When I have to shit really bad I can feel a pain in my forearm. Not like a painful pain but more like a tingling sensation in only my left forearm.
Exactly. It’s baffles me that most people don’t see that
Ah yes anywhere is better than twitter let me go switch to threads.
Jumping from one central controlled platform to another changes absolutely nothing. People switching to Blue sky instead of the fediverse are braindead
Everytime I look in the mirror I just see myself as dumb. I hated it and would frequently ditch school because they wouldn’t let me out of the program until I walked out during the state test.
I walked out because they had to read every question and answer and I asked nicely to take it somewhere else because it was distracting. They said no so I said I’m going home.
I hope no one ever has to go through special ed at a school like mine that just made you feel dumb and didn’t care.
The worst of it was when I’d sign up for after school programs to hangout with friends and actually do something for once but then I’d be told I can’t even if I did all my work. Just because I was in the special Ed program. Those fuckers literally isolated me for no reason.
In general my school just sucked tho. I was able to go to into the trade school during my 11th grade year. I went for IT and the teacher there even said he can guarantee a scholarship for me if I keep up my performance next year. But then I got pulled from the trade school because I didn’t have enough gym credits at my highschool. I had a 11:50 2 mile and 5ish minute mile. I always participated in gym to so I don’t know why or how I didn’t have the credits until I was told I didn’t change into the correct color shorts. I was never told about it once during gym class.
Oh shit maybe we’ll see someone companies switch to an alternative instead of paying microshit more money
I’d be good at first but then slowly get corrupted as I continue on feeling disconnected. The change will be so gradual thatI wouldn’t realize until it’s too late
Ever since I got home from getting kicked out of boot camp nothing feels real. Everything is on pause and I can’t enjoy my hobbies.
I liked manga and decided to buy some. But once I bought some I stopped enjoying it. I’ve always wanted a dirt bike, got that. Now I don’t even wanna ride it.
Risk of rain 2 is amazing if you like rogue like games.
Beyond 2 souls is good but the PC version is wack. They ruined the game by locking the movement when playing as the spirit Aiden. They turned it into a point and click which is so dumb because you miss so much from it. It’s literally not the same experience. Grab the PS3 version and emulate it. My personal favorite story focused game
Sorry didn’t even finish reading yet. You thought nier was repetitive?! Like maybe if you playing through it again to get the other endings but damn that first playthrough is a fresh experience. As you progress it feels like a different genre. Shit was great.
What cutting edge graphics? The blurry as smudge that is TAA in all the modern games? Fuck off. What’s expensive is the actual slop that is modern games
Ghost recon wild lands is the definition of a 7/10 ign type slop and I love it
I didn’t even think it was for the Xbox at all
Fuckin love PlanetSide. But we’re talking about 7/10’s not masterpieces
Western digital so good
Maybe I’m just old but old pi was special
Erotic roleplay
This is getting out of hand