I keep hoping that THIS will be the year. Every Jan 1 I’m again disappointed.
I keep hoping that THIS will be the year. Every Jan 1 I’m again disappointed.
It is the Chick Tract that just… chefs kiss
Well, yeah.
They make more money from OF than from Spotify… and they are not doing porn.
Yes and…
Lily Allen and Kate Nash are on OnlyFans and make more money there…
Clay infused raw egg white mousse, shaved tree bark on a filters mud reduction and a linoleum chew to finish
Generally speaking, yes. Verify that your current provider supports it.
Having said that, your provider may offer you a deal. Of course ymmv
It depends… you say several times “I”. So yeah if it is just you, 55 is likely fine.
If you are the only one, watching something, then yeah likely you’ll be fine
There are so many negative emotions and comments here.
You are in a weak position, so yes that means you have to work harder.
Elon has money. You don’t have that kind or money to buy influence. so effort and time ; organize, vote, and get out the vote.
And yes. If needed have a plan. Are you a woman or have one in your life? Order Plan C Do you have family out of state or country? See about moving there.
And don’t give up. Fight the whole way. And
Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum!
All I can hear is Scott Pilgrim, this is hard….
Good points from other users.
You’re kinda asking the wrong question.
Where to start writing? Wherever you are when you write.
Where to publish? Seems to be what you’re looking for—
You’re likely an unknown author. So you are going to have to figure it out yourself In terms of marketing
Do you just want your stuff out there? You can put it almost anywhere
Do you want people to find you? Then you’ll need to market yourself (and yes I just threw up a little writing that)
It will be up to you to get people to find and read your stuff , sorry but yeah you mostly have to market yourself
So yeah put your page in there when you post your content here, and blue sky, and everywhere. Make a podcast of you reading your stuff, make it easy to share so new people can discover you.
Self published books and print on demand— worked for Andy Weir (the Martian) and Hugh Howey (Silo) and 50 shades of gray
Good luck
Sure you sited the ACTUAL pages and all, but I don’t believe you because I’m never going to read them
So yeah totally fake news.
This hurts. I feel called out
Yes with a however…
Gibson-esque cyberpunk no. But Wargames 80s proto cyberpunk yes. Sneakers has that early 90s version.
They were not looking to explore the depths of cyberpunk; but showing the unwashed masses that the computers and the geeks who use them are out there. They both do a great job in showing that those computer things like any tool could have a negative use Trying to explain that to Bob from Iowa you’ve got to go slow and use small words. Not because Bob is stupid rather because Bob has no idea about any of it.
Today you’d assume that people know about the internet and that computers talk to each other.
I’d go with a proto cyberpunk/ mass market intro cyber label
IMHO this is the most likely scenario
You’d die as a result of apathy.
That headline gave me cancer. Ffs
Oh I think we have a winner….
Mi papa disfruta fiestas por año nuevo (My potato likes New Year’s parties)
Mi papá disfruta fiestas por ano nuevo (My father likes new anal gangbangs)
I use MacOS at home as I have to support the fam.
Work is windows despite my best efforts to move to Linux, any flavor…
My laptop has macOS and Ubuntu and fedora and win11 (I have a vm problem and I enjoy it)
I wish I could use Fedora full time. I’m really open to whatever gets the work done. I just prefer software were open.
Actually yeah. A reboot of travelers would be amazing. Because you could go in any direction….
Redo to series as is. Redo it where since so many things went wrong, we’re gonna reset the timeline.
Hell yeah 👍
2 ways
1 password manager
But yeah. Password manager
Nice. Way beyond my skill set.
But if it were polished and made by someone; hell yes 👍