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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Had a bunch of friends in college but we all lived in the same hallway, so when we wanted to talk as a group we just… talked in a group. Other than that we somehow got along texting individually. That was before everyone had switched to smartphones, anyway; I started college in '07, before the iPhone.

    Then I moved a few times over the last decade+, and the people I’m still talking to are separated by thousands of miles of space and years of my life in terms of when I knew them in person.

    And like I said, when I’ve been in groups organized around an activity like D&D, we’ve had chats for scheduling, but they pretty much stayed on topic and didn’t become, like, friend-group-chats.

  • This is fascinating to read as someone who has never been “in a group chat” in the way this writer uses them. I’ve been in groups for scheduling activities before, or in work groups, but they were always used pretty strictly for scheduling or conveying activity- or work-related info. None of the people I chat with recreationally know each other.