He called a thai cave diver a pedophile in 2018, which pretty much started the complete crumbling of his image as … well, not a complete asshole.
He called a thai cave diver a pedophile in 2018, which pretty much started the complete crumbling of his image as … well, not a complete asshole.
And it’s not European, either - just another service owned by american capitalists.
Definitely! There are a couple of brostep tracks that I really like, you can create some really nice grooves with that midrange modulation and I do generally like gnarly synths. Haven’t really gotten around to trying my hand at that myself, though …
And the disdain is real, the vibes of classic dubstep and brostep are just too different and it’s pretty annoying to have the name of your genre usurped like that. There have been attempts to make up qualifiers to specify the classic sound (e.g. “deep dubstep”), but they haven’t really caught on, either.
I think you mostly got it, that kind of sound is really mostly about having an absolutely gnarly base sound and then just modulating it with lowpass filters and maybe some texture-changing effects.
Bit of a tangent, but as someone who is really into early UK-style dubstep that usually has very clean basses (i.e. the stuff that actually sounds dubby and possibly even 2-steppy) I prefer calling the skrillex-type stuff ‘brostep’, but that term didn’t catch with most people. Probably because most people don’t like calling their preferred genre something that’s clearly intended as an insult.
First we’d need to define “internet” for this purpose. Does classic mail qualify? It certainly can carry more data than pidgeons, and if you can still have computers you might get relatively close to the 90s internet by sending data by mail (especially when you’re communicating with people within a day’s travel, rather than on the other side of the earth).
Other than that, you can do a lot with visual signals. In the Discworld novels, they developed a kind of optical telegraph network with a technique that is somewhat similar to ship flag communication, and optical telegraphy exists/existed in the real world, too, though it never got much traction. If you have computers, you might be able to get pretty alright data rates with something like that.
I’d assume they just don’t care.
FYI: feddit.de ist dead, the big german-speaking instance is feddit.org now.
They aren’t wrong IMO - if you don’t do anything that requires a lot of processing power or really need a lot of slots for peripherals, PCI cards and drives, you might as well connect your external display, keyboard and mouse to a laptop. It gives you the option to take the entire thing with you, and a lot of people have spare laptops anyway.
I know plenty of people who don’t even use their laptop much because they’re doing everything on their phones or game consoles.
Faders are good for stuff you’re doing fast and rhythmically, e.g. the crossfader on a DJ mixer (especially if they’re doing scratching and the like). For most other things sliders/faders take up too much room IMO.
He makes some really good points. The process of creating is so important, a lot of the time it’s actually a far bigger issue than whatever technical pros and cons there are (and digital definitely has some pretty big pros). Similar to how vinyl or cassettes force you to consume content in a more conscious way than mp3s or streaming, or handwriting instead of typing on a cpmputer can have a positive effect when you’re learning school stuff or tackling some kind of complicated decision you have to make.
I also feel like I’ve had a much easier time making music when I was making chiptune with a Game Boy than when I’m making more conventional music using a DAW - sometimes, limitation can be freeing.
OP’s premise is specifically that you cannot detect them easily at some point in the future. Are you planning on insulting every single person who wears prescription glasses?
Currently the camera and/or screen information might be fairly obvious just by looking, but assuming technology improves this could become harder to detect.
Hard to answer if you’re using something extremely hypothetical like this. If we don’t know how that’s supposed to work, we can’t really come up with a feasible solution.
I suppose you could just set off a small EMP - surely if AI/screen tech is that small, EMP emitters would get miniaturized as well?
The Great Gatsby is 100 years old. I’d assume that books were still more expensive back then relative to people’s incomes, and they were also the only way to access that content while today you have e-books, PDFs, YouTube-videos or even websites, which are often available for free (not necessarily legally).
On top of that, many literary devices are unrealistic or exaggerated.
Eyeglasses are an interesting case, because there seems to be a causal relationship between being nearsighted and staying inside a lot as a kid, which used to be mostly people who read books or just spend a lot of time on school work. That’s less relevant now that kids stay inside to watch TV, play videogames or scroll on their phone, though. Also, many people who need glasses either didn’t have the means (e.g. no access to eye doctors, no money for glasses; probably not as important nowadays in most wealthy countries) or choose to not wear them due to vanity, and both of those reasons are kind of orthogonal to adjectives like “intelligent” or “intellectual”.
How many people actually collect books for show? That seems uncommon and it should usually be fairly easy to tell for people who are somewhat well-read.
The thing with chess is that it’s not fun if you aren’t any good at it, and the difference between people who are somewhat good and those who aren’t is pretty big. You can get there with pure perseverance (same with most other things that gets listed here, probably), but most people tend to pick hobbies that they don’t have a hard time with.
I’d seriously consider donating some of it.
It wouldn’t be so hateable if there weren’t so many good things about it!
I’ll ride his Arch til the day I can’t. Not a scratch.
Riding a vehicle without ever letting it get a scratch in Cyberpunk 2077 is quite impressive. I think I “scratched” Jackie’s bike in under a minute when I got it in my first playthrough.
I rarely use YouTube as a source of information, it’s a source of entertainment like 95% of the time for me and most of the rest is stuff like natural science documentations, which isn’t really subject to the kinds of issues you describe.
That is a fight between left and right, though. Just because most rightwing voters regularly vote against their own interests doesn’t mean rightwing parties don’t primarily serve the agendas of oligarchs. I guess it makes sense to reframe this, though, since a lot of people have been influenced by propaganda to hate anything “left”.