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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Well that paper only says it’s theoretically not possible to completely eliminate hallucination. That doesn’t mean it can be migitated and reduced to the point of insignificance. I think fabricating things is part of creativity. I mean LLMs are supposed to come up with new text. But maybe they’re not really incentivised to differentiate between fact and fiction. I mean they have been trained on fictional content, too. I think the main problem is to control when to stick close to facts and when to be creative. Sure, I’d agree that we can’t make them infallible. But there’s probably quite some room for improvement. (And I don’t really agree with the premise of the paper that it’s caused solely from shortcomings in the training data. It’s an inherent problem in being creative and that the world also consists of fiction and opinions and so much more than factual statements… But the training data quality and bias also has a severe effect.)

    That paper is interesting. Thanks!

    But I really fail to grasp the diagonal argument. Can we really choose the ground truth function f arbitrarily? Doesn’t that just mean given arbitrary realities, there aren’t hallucination-free LLMs in all of them? But I don’t really care if there’s a world where 1+1=2 and simultaneously 1+1=3 and there can’t be an LLM telling the “truth” in that world… I think they need to narrow down “f”. To me a reality needs to fulfill certain requirements. Like being contradiction free etc. And they’d need to prove that Cantor applies to that subset of “f”.

    And secondly: Why does the LLM need to decide between true and false? Can’t it not just say “I don’t know?” I think that’d immediately ruin their premise, too. Because they only look at LLMs who don’t ever refuse and have to decide on a truth.

    I think this is more related to Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, which somehow isn’t mentioned in the paper. I’m not a proper scientist and didn’t really understand it, so I might be wrong with all of that. But it doesn’t feel correct to me. And I mean the paper hasn’t been cited or peer-reviewed (as of now). So it’s more like just their opinion, anyways. I say (if their maths is correct) they just proved that there can’t be an LLM that knows everything in any possible and impossible world. That doesn’t quite apply because LLMs that don’t know everything are useful, too. And we’re concerned with one specific reality here that has some limitations. Like physics, objectivity or consistency.

  • I don’t know and my empathy isn’t good enough to picture what a person like that wants. They seem to be pissed, the complexity of the world is too much for them. And they’re a bit low IQ but speak up immediately and tell some simple truths that won’t ever work in reality. Their thinking is: When I was young everything felt simpler. When I was young we also had a different currency. So bringing back the old currency will solve all issues… So I’m not sure if they even want the fourth Reich. I think they just want to be negative and complain. They’d probably also complain if that happened.

  • Yes. I think the whole world shares this problem. The USA, China, … not only european countries. And forunately it’s getting better.

    I’m not sure if I share the same view. As france had something like 6% of inflation, the UK hit double digits in 2022, up to 11% if what I find on the internet is correct. Other countries had it a bit worse, I think Germany spiked to about 9%. But the difference by a few percent makes a huge difference for economy. You’re right, the Consumer Price Index for the UK and France look eerily similar for the last few years. I wouldn’t have expected that.

    I mean I’m not sure if this is the correct way to compare this. We don’t import our lettuce and groceries from the UK. But Brexit affects us other Europeans as it affects the people from the UK. I personally can feel it since I used to source some electronics components from the UK and buy things from eBay. It’s all gone by now. I’m not sure if this had gone on forever since competing against China is difficult. But it was way more convenient to buy for example a used graphics card from the UK than have it delivered from China.

  • rufus@discuss.tchncs.detoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlNames
    6 months ago

    That is a reddit mindset. I don’t think it works that way here. Comments usually get only a few votes on Lemmy and I don’t think many people chose this platform for the upvotes. That specific post got 0 upvotes and 1 downvote (given my instance fixed federation and the numbers are correct now.) I don’t want to get on your nerves too much. Just explain my perspective. Religious people are super loud. They want to dictate how I live, if I can marry someone if I’m gay, oppress women, oppress minorities and they wage war all around the world. Have done so for centuries, and continue to do so. I feel entitled to call out their BS as long as they try to make everyone’s life worse. I promise to stop in the exact moment they refrain from politics, violence and stop telling me and my surroundings how to live our lives. You can’t just do all of that and then expect the other side to stay silent.

  • rufus@discuss.tchncs.detoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlNames
    6 months ago

    I’m sorry. I don’t think this is a “Reddit thing”. I’ve been here longer than I’ve been on Reddit. I agree that we have the same dynamics here, that people often are incentivized to reply with negative comments. But this is a community with “Humor” in the name. And edgy humor is part of the discussion. And where I’m from, being an atheist is fairly common. I still think if you were able to tell facts from fiction, you wouldn’t be religious in the first place and mixing both terms in one sentence is kind of an oxymoron. So I think it’s more that both the audience on Reddit and on Lemmy is quite diverse. And we both have different perspectives on life, probably also are part of different cultures and maybe have a different take on humor and which things to scroll past and which things to reply to.

  • I think there are more rules, too. I think you’re not allowed to swear (wherever that comes from). And there are restrictions/superstitions(?) put on other names. I don’t think christians speak out Satan / Beelzebub. Probably because calling their name conjures a deamon or people said names have some power to them.

  • rufus@discuss.tchncs.detoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlNames
    6 months ago

    Hehe. I get it. But it’s not really true. It’s like saying a horse evolved into a car or an Ox into a tractor. Just because it replaced it or did the same job doesn’t mean it’s related or the initial thing didn’t go away. Alchemy is putting together random substances to create gold. Chemistry is backed by science and rooted in reality. It’s probably closer related to cooking (where you also mix substances) than to alchemy 😉 Pseudoscience didn’t do away, but I’m positive alchemy did.

  • I didn’t follow how the story turned out that closely. I think it was a schoolmate who did this. I kinda split up my answer because I think if a kid/minor is the offender, it’s not yet too late to learn how to behave (hopefully). But blackmailing people with nudes is a bit more than the usual bullying and occasional fight between boys we did back in the day. I trust some judge has a look at the individual case and comes up with a proper punishment that factors this in.

    What annoys me is the people who offer this service. Advertise for use-cases like this and probably deliberately didn’t put any filters in place not even if it’s pictures of minors. I think they should be charged, fined and ultimately that business case should be banned. I (anonymously) filed a complaint, after writing that comment in September. But they’re still online as of today.

    So in my opinion the kid should be taught a lesson and the company should pay for this and be closed for good.

  • That article contains little to no information at all. I don’t follow what she does, because I don’t like Frau von der Leyen, at all. What warmongering does she do? Frontex? Ukraine? What’s with being supposedly corrupt aside from just the Pharma deals? And I mean she’s always been working for the dark side, pushing for surveillance and spending taxpayers’ money generously on experts with little results.

    Did she accidentally do something right this time? And that offended someone?

    Edit: Okay, found it in a small subclause in the article. It references to stands on Israel-Palestine back in October.