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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • I can see where you’re coming from, but I’m not talking about actively promoting him over other candidates. Rather, prosecute him to the full extent of the law but don’t try to take him off the ballot. Let his own actions tank him

    Plus he has already lost to Biden before. Hilary wasn’t an ideal candidate, given everything tacked onto her by the GOP

    ETA: There are few things that’d be funnier than watching him try to run a campaign from inside a jail cell (though I doubt it would come to that)

  • Has anyone considered that Biden might have an easier time beating trump than he would Nikki Haley? Yes, the trumpers want their orange-over-lord, but if given no other choice they’ll vote for anothwr GOP candidate. Some republicans only voted for Biden because they also hated trump. Given someone who aligns more with their belief they’d chose them instead. A woman might also ease their abortion fears because some GOP women might be hoping that Haley secretly supports abortion (because they, too, secretly support it)

    Banishing trump from the ballot will only backfire

  • It takes time. They have to sort through which threats are credible, how they are connected, etc. Things like this help to expose extremists. They’ll come out of the woodwork, bit by bit. Plus, it reminds the more moderate people that Trumpers are bat-shit-crazy. Most people would be embarrassed by Trump and his supporters. Some will be so embarrassed that they’ll vote against him even if they somehow like him otherwise. Lets not forget how emotional they are.

    It may seem like this is bad all the way around… but I really believe they just need time