I don’t think that bit hasn’t changed either. I think Putin made another one of those “Ukraine is historically Russian” statements, while completely ignoring the time when it wasn’t Russia.
Part of the game is to put out many conflicting statements attached to as many opinions from state funded talking heads as possible.
I believe that when I researched last, the statement about Russia being able to take Ukraine “in three days” actually came from propagandists and I never found an official statement about it. Regardless, the point is that is gives the government plausible deniability with any statement if it was “accidentally taken out of context” by the state media.
Yeah, I can understand how some people just wouldn’t like Skrillex. Chaos is kinda the point and groove is probably not on the list of description words I would use for it. Alas, it’s actually not my thing either. On occasion it is, but not always.
FM stuff is weird at first. Depending on your tool, just start with small changes as you build up a waveform, dust off your knowledge of harmonics theory and dig in. It took a day for me to make some noise that didn’t sound like a knife scraping over a sheet of metal, and two more days of tinkering to make something cool. It’ll probably take another month before I can design something more complex, like a cymbal. It’s technically additive synthesis, but it’s not actually? I dunno.