Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.
Bluesky: @beehaw.org
First time I’ve heard of Fidlar. Went and watched some more of their videos. They’re a fun band.
You’re welcome!
I was very fortunate to see them live at a very small venue in Charlotte NC back in 1994.
We’ve had a Pandora family plan for 5 years now. All four of us streaming on several devices with no problems.
My son had been following this development on Reddit for the past several months and brought it to my attention several days ago. Fascinating story!
Damn file access permissions!
I have sent an access request
To where?
I’m only a 2 hour drive from where you live. I imagine, eventually, we’ll meet up sometime.
May I have a 'rain check"?
You’re very welcome and thank you for your contributions to Beehaw.
Please, let me know if you are unable to play these files. I can easily convert them.
VLC should be able to play these files. I’ll upload the entire playlist as a .zip and then post the link here. If VLC doesn’t support it, then let me know and I’ll help.
I now have that entire collection in .opus format. Do you have a way to play this music format? If you don’t, then I can convert the files to MP3.
Send me a link to the soundcloud collection and let me see what I can do, please.
I found Rubberband. There’s a copy of Quarter Life Crisis on Ebay for $99! LOL.
EDIT: found Song for Dad
EDIT2: found Twenty Minutes
Correct. I grew up listening to all of that!
Great lyrics!
Love it!
I’ve been listening to them since they released 39/Smooth back in 1990. Great band!
Love it! Very good.